
Luci Ancora ~ Authentic Italian in Comfortable Elegance

Tags : #ItalianRestaurant, #EuropeanRestaurant

Location :
2060 Randolph Ave, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105
Contacts :


Luci Ancora - the second and larger of two restaurants owned and operated by the Smith Family on the southwest corner of Cleveland & Randolph Avenues.

Join us nightly for dinner or for lunch Tuesday-Friday from 11:30-2pm. Our Tasting Menu Special on Tuesday & Thursday Evenings is a great reason to cross the river, celebrate with friends, or enjoy a night out. Visit our website : luciancora.com for more details.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

The Smith Family & Luci Staff

"A tavola con gli amici e la famiglia uno non invecchiareā€¯
At the table with friends and family, one does not grow old.