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Ridge Community High School is a school, located at 500 Orchid Dr, Davenport, FL 33837, USA. They can be contacted via phone at +1 863-419-3315, visit their website www.ridgecommunityhigh.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
500 Orchid Dr, Davenport, FL 33837, USA
Added by Jopie, at 14 December 2015

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16 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    22 February 2018

    I promise one thing if you want a school that just fails there students and see kids bully your kids and teachers even laugh about it and then get these gun threats then this the school for you. If you want a good school i prefer either Winter Haven or Haines City

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  • Anynomous
    14 November 2017

    best high school ever its has the best thing as the high school

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  • Anynomous
    02 November 2017

    The school is a cult we worship a rock

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  • Anynomous
    24 October 2017

    The school gets worst each year. With students talking back at teachers, horrible substitutes, bad school system, fights minimal to two every month, smoking in the bathrooms, bomb threats etc. Im forced to go through all this and im sick of it. If you read this don't come to this school.

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  • Anynomous
    19 October 2017

    Pretty great school. Those who are giving it terrible reviews don't believe in their academic potential and would rather waste their life on social media. Had no complaints for the teachers- all cooperative and friendly. Miss it !

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  • Anynomous
    11 August 2017

    This the worst school I have ever went to in my entire life, anyone that gives this a 5 star is either drunk or stoned, I was made fun of on the first day of school and made no friends, I had to sit alone next to a garbage can in lunch and when I was made fun of the teacher didn't do anything.

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  • Anynomous
    17 July 2017

    Bad school if you do not get to go fast to lunch is over what there is and other food you know bad to see food that gives and on to everyone to eat do not grab the food counted to get the food Of the day you have to run I would not recommend this school to anyone.Does not serve the school every time they smoke and you can not go to the bathroom you have to put up with it or go to the farthest or put up with your the only good thing that the school has good are some teachers

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  • Anynomous
    20 May 2017

    You're senior year will suck here . They don't do anything to celebrate it. The school lunches aren't that good might as well bring you're own food from home. The only thing good about Ridge is Mr.Haun. If you're a senior or about to enter you're senior year this isn't the place for you.

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  • Anynomous
    05 May 2017

    My daughter thrives at this school. Staff is cooperative and friendly. Like all schools they r busy in the morning and hour before school lets out so if visiting or calling during these times be prepared to be patient.

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  • Anynomous
    24 April 2017

    This school is extremely petty they don't suspend kids for bullying, but suspend them for taking food out the cafeteria and talking back.. My kid is there to learn not discipline.

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  • Anynomous
    13 April 2017

    Theres a dean that looks like humpty dumpty and if you rub his head he will grant you any wish.

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  • Anynomous
    08 December 2016

    I'm pretty disappointed with this school. So many fights in one day, teachers don't care about students, students rather use their electronic device then do their class work, also the school barely have much disciple for their students. I give this school a 60% rating overall on how bad it.

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  • Anynomous
    20 October 2016

    This school is fine but here's my problems. The grading systems with some teachers are most certainly unfair. They hire teacher that does not deserve to be teaching.i have 2 teachers who should be fired because they don't teach in a orderly fashion. My algebra teacher expects you to get the process that very second like he doesn't understand just because he knows it well that doesnt mean we do. Its like that class is a free period because mainly everyone sleeps. Also in that class its like he tries to be funny but he's actually just rude he only picks on me and this other kid in my class. And my geometry teacher who just arrived is horrible! He is a creep. he doesn't teach us anything and if he does its something from last year algebra 1. But when you complain about teachers at this school they just schedule a parent teacher conference.. we want a new teacher . I know for sure I'm not passing the EOCs this year . _-_

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  • Anynomous
    24 March 2016

    No complain at all. Came from Tampa and was afraid about the change but here like there in Pasco County teachers do their job!!!! Responsability go first! My son will be graduated in May. He will go straight to college. Teachers and the counselor Mrs.Alexander are being very helpful and supported helping us with every step! Thank you to all!!!!

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  • Anynomous
    24 January 2016

    Some one should start investigating this school, all their staff is clueless about the discipline and actions related to a child. My son has been suspended so many times for things that can be corrected without damaging his education, but they feel that suspension is the better road. My son has had multiple meltdowns and has emotional issues this is on school record, also the have a teacher that told my son directly that he was always going to be a looser and he will never going to amount to anything, in which I think that its emotional disturbance to a 16 y/o. I have requested to have a sit down with that teacher and they just ignored me and now for any reason they suspend my son. Look at the review of the school there are so many complaints that I will be removing my son from there but the school should be exposed. I will also forward this massage to the board of ed.

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  • Anynomous
    21 December 2015

    This is a crappy school. I literally have been so stressed being here. The system sucks so much and it's driving me INSANE. So much in fact that I'm leaving as soon as the semester ends and I won't miss it one bit. I had great grades until i started going here but now they suck because most teachers don't do anything to help. There's a fight at least every other day and I don't feel safe at all. There's so many standardized tests that I can't remember one day since October that there hasn't been at one. If you plan on enrolling your students here, don't. Put them in Florida Virtual School you'll have a much better time and it is so helpful with faltering grades.

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