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Reunion ReSource Center is located at 21050 Bush Street, PO Box 302, Middletown, California 95461. They can be contacted via phone at (707) 987-6611, visit their website www.reunionmiddletown.org for more detailed information.

ReUnion Resource Center provides traditional and alternative counseling and education for individuals, couples, families and youth.

Tags : #Education, #NonprofitOrganization, #MentalHealthService

Location :
21050 Bush Street, PO Box 302, Middletown, California 95461
Added by Jopie, at 13 June 2015

Opening Hours

  • Monday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
  • Friday -
  • Saturday -
  • Sunday -


Relationship Coaching
Effective Communication
Marriage, Adult & Family Therapy
Child and Play Therapy
Addiction/Recovery Counseling
Parenting and Family Effectiveness
Conflict Resolution
Self Discovery and Confidence
Success &Prosperity Coaching
Family Life Effectiveness
Holistic Healing Bodywork
Ayurveda and Homeopathy
Reiki Spiritual Healing
Energetic Life Balancing
Holistic Health Education
Life Purpose Readings
Meditation and Mindfulness
Interfaith Weddings and Rituals
T’ai Chi Chih: Holistic Renewal
Spiritual Guidance and Direction
Feng Shui Consultation and Classes
Labyrinth Resources and Workshops
Weekly Inspirational Fellowship
Community Building Resources
Books & Gifts

Our Focus:
We teach, model and inspire positive living, loving and learning.
We facilitate living with clarity, choice, forgiveness and affirmation.
We offer traditional and alternative therapies and holistic health services.
We provide classes, groups, workshops, retreats and programs for individuals, couples and families.
We host gatherings for celebration, drumming, fellowship, music, meditation and family fun.

Reunion ReSource Center is:
• a safe place to heal, learn, grow, enjoy, contribute and celebrate.
• a peaceful place of happy harmony and loving reminders
• a healing space to remember Love and return to wholeness and well-being.
• a sacred space in which to relate with respect, responsibility and cooperation.

We welcome professional practitioners who want to use the Center for positive purposes. For more information, contact Betty Lue Lieber, PhD. MFT
800-919-2392, BettyLue@PositiveLivingCenter.org

Sponsored by:
Reunion Ministries
A non-profit 501(c)3 corporation

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9 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    11 April 2016

    See LovingReminders.org or my Loving Reminders page for my daily writing to benefit your life. You can email me if you want to receive directly via email.

    Affirmations: I can only understand another through what they share with me. I forgive myself for assuming I know what I think I know. I open my mind and my heart to learn from you about you and what you know. I am blessed to learn from everyone because it allows me to see and love more expansively.

    April 11, 2016 Loving Reminders- Learn from Everything and Everyone.

    What Are You Learning?

    When are you open to learn? Do you think you know it all? How do you learn best? What are you learning each day?

    Every person has much to teach. Every situation is inviting us to learn. Every upset is awakening us to learn. Every encounter is teaching us to be open.

    How can we fail to learn? What shuts us down? Are we opinionated to protect ourselves. Are we afraid to open our hearts and mind?

    Learning can be fun, safe and easy. When we are open-minded, we begin to see things differently. When we understand there are many different perspectives, we allow new ways. When we have been taught to fear, we close our mind and our heart to what is different.

    We are always learning. Learning requires being willing to know. Learning invites to curiosity without judgment or fear. Learning is an invitation to see with your heart.

    “This is where you are and you see things differently. This is what you want and I want something different. This is what seems to be true for you and something else is true for me. Can we learn from one another to see, want and have something different? “

    How are we the same, but still have different ideas, desires and choices? How can we agree to have different view points? How can be benefit from our individual perspectives? How can we see a bigger picture and grow from an expanded picture?”

    It is a blessing to be unafraid of learning more. It is healing to learn from others experiences and beliefs. It is powerful to clear all fear and grow in our capacity to be enriched by differences. It brings peace to every mind when we learn to respect and value our uniqueness.

    I see you and listen to you. I learn from you and how you see things. I honor your uniqueness. I no longer assume I really know until you share with me what you know. Even then, I realize I interpret through my window of experience.

    I open myself to learn and allow Love, Trust and Freedom to fill my life. Betty Lue

    “Life is for learning. Education leads out of ignorance. The more we learn, the more we know. The more we know, the better our resources. The more resources, the more choice we have.” The more choices, the more enjoyable life can be.”

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  • Anynomous
    01 November 2015

    Don't forget: Tuesday evenings 5:30-7 BEgins again this Tuesday, 11/3. Visioning, Support and Empowerment Circle for everyone. Drop in ok. Contribute what feels fair. Together we all inspire, co-create, thrive and enjoy!

    Wednesday Evenings (Beginning 11/11) Reunion Fellowship ( Connect with Self, Source and Others) Meditation at 5:30PM Group Gathering at 6-7PM for Singing, Speaker, Sharing Join us for Love, Sharing and Caring!!!!!

    When we gather in Love, everything is possible!

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  • Anynomous
    30 October 2015

    Reunion ReSource Center + Community Room

    Visioning, Support and Empowerment Circle Success Principles and How to Live Them. Tuesdays, 5:30-7PM Open to everyone.

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  • Anynomous
    09 October 2015

    Some of you know that the Loconoma Alternative School in Middletown burned down in the Valley Fire. They were given a modular building with 25 metal desks and nothing else. We have taken on the project to make this classroom whole with what is needed for these young people! Thanks for your amazing help! Seven individuals and our little Brentwood Unity Church have given contributions. It has helped their classroom feel alive and hopeful for the teachers and kids. There is still more we can do. If you are called! See below what has been given already in 7 days and what more is needed!

    If called, you can send contributions to Reunion Ministries, Box #302, Middletown, Ca 95461 Note: For Loconoma youth Reunion Ministries is a 501.C3 and tax deductible.

    You are a give of Love! And Life is for giving!! Betty Lue

    Already Donated to Loconoma Alternative High School

    Supplies: Scissors Staplers Rulers Paper clips Paint & paint brushes Art paper Construction paper Printer/Copy paper College rule notebooks Calculators Pens & pencils Highlighters Color markers Paper Cutter Dry Erase Markers Mandala art/color books Tape & glue Lysol, handiwipes, hand sanitizer, etc Wall calendars

    Furnishings: 2 Small refrigerators (for lunches and snacks) 2 x Printer/copier & ink 4 Bean Bag Chairs 2 x space heaters Microwave Teacher’s desk chair Garbage cans & waste baskets 2 x 6’ folding tables 2 wall clocks 4 power strips 20 ear buds 4 USB 5 unit charging stations 15 individual phone/laptop charging cords

    Still needed: Coat Rack Toaster 4 Drawer file cabinets 2 Cabinets with drawers Bookshelves Vacuum cleaner Teacher’s Desk Wooden chairs (for students to use at tables) Overhead projector PE Equipment Outside picnic table & umbrella Posters and art for walls

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  • Anynomous
    22 September 2015

    Healing and Support Group + Vision and Empowerment Circle.

    Tuesdays 5:30-7PM 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13 Wednesdays 5:30-7PM 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14

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  • Anynomous
    15 September 2015

    Love, only and always Love! Robert and I are safe here in Contra Costa County. We are with those in Lake County who are caught in this Valley Fire. We care and we will help us all join together in forgiveness and love. The Spirit of Good within each one of us will prevail. Email us if you wish to connect to let us know you are safe. We are loving you! Betty Lue

    Dear Lake County Friends, This is time for profound prayer. May we Love One Another. May we remember to be grateful for the life we have. May we help everyone we can with what we have. May we join together and recreate the Good we want.

    We have only heard the wildfires in Lake County have burned Middletown and so much more. We are focusing on the peaceful evacuation of people and pets. We are sending our love and assurance to everyone who is lost, confused and grieving. We are breathing in the life of Spirit, the energy of gratitude and so much Love. We are with one and all in these times when the fire is threatening lives and property.

    Whatever your faith, NOW is the time to strengthen our trust in Good and our courage to Live. Goodness will prevail, even in these dark times. Bring your own Love into action. Help everyone with your good thoughts, your good words and your good deeds.

    Thank you for remembering to Love, Betty Lue

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  • Anynomous
    15 September 2015

    When you are ready we will begin gathering to love, serve and remember. We will gather to heal and comfort one another. We will gather to plan, prepare and rebuild. We will gather to remember what is lasting and real. We will gather because we love!

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  • Anynomous
    15 September 2015

    For You! And everyone who cares! Written this morning for those who have lost what they valued and those who may lose again.

    When you are ready we will begin gathering to love, serve and remember. We will gather to heal and comfort one another. We will gather to plan, prepare and rebuild. We will gather to remember what is lasting and real. We will gather because we love! Betty LUe

    Affirmations: I am here right where I need to be. I am here to be truly helpful and healing. I am here to be strong and brave and true. I am here to love me and love you, no matter what.

    September 15, 2015 Loving Reminders- We Are Here!

    We Are Here!

    We are here standing in the midst of what is. When much is gone, even more is left. We are here. When we clear the smoke, we are here and ready to rebuild.

    We are here to clear the fear. We are here to wash away grief with our tears. We are here able to walk and talk, work and play. We are here to get up and begin again to have this day.

    When things fall apart, they are letting go of what was. When things disintegrate, they will reintegrate at a higher level. When things are undone, we get to see how we all are really One. When things go away, what is valued will come back another day.

    People have a tendency be lost, when their things are lost. We did not lose ourselves. We did not lose one another. We are not our things and we will not be lost.

    Each manages loss in their own unique way. Each has learned to react with fear or respond with love. Trauma and disaster can create chaos and fear. Loss and devastation can bring out courage and love.

    Some will turn to God and faith. Some will start to help and heal. Some will simply sit and feel. Some will plan and work. Some will provide time and service. Some will gather friends and share. Some will fall apart in despair. And some will simply do what is needed.

    Some grieve what was lost. Some deal with what is right now. Some plan for the future and rebuild. It is time for each to honor and respect one another.

    Gather with those who are of like mind. Gather with those who love one another. Gather with those who have similar plans. Gather with those who have open helping hands.

    Together we can do this. We rise and we fall. Together we are grateful. Together we answer the call.

    Standing here to be truly helpful With commitment and courage, we will rebuild. With love and dedication, we will co-create something better. With kindness and respect, we will enjoy the fruits of our labor.

    I am always loving one and all, Betty Lue

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  • Anynomous
    20 June 2015

    We are serving children, youth, families and couple with great love, respect and trust in each individual's vision for what they want in their lives. We honor everyone as they express their truth with compassion, wisdom and focus. We know that what people are asking for is the safety and trust in their right to choose their lives in the way that brings them happiness and peace,'This is our goal: to love and support, to educate and motivate, to facilitate the highest potential in each client and student. And in this we are happy and fulfilled. Betty Lue

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