Restore The Walls Ministry is located at Fountain Inn, South Carolina 29644, United States. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
The Call for Restore The Walls Ministry is to promote Great Commission growth through Reaching, Teaching, Winning, and Making Christian disciples.Matthew recorded in his gospel account (16:18) that Jesus proclaimed to His apostles (and by extended transmission of the Holy Scriptures to us today) that He was going to build His church and that it would have an inherent capability for survival. The Message translation, in fact, describes the church as one so expansive with energy that it could not be held back or defeated.Why then, a few thousand years later, do we find many churches defunct, many others crippled, still others barely hanging on, most going through the motions, and, comparatively, a vast minority thriving in the expansive energy commanded by our Lord? We cannot attribute any of this to Christ Himself unless we believe Him to be less powerful than He says He is. We must, in fact, look to ourselves to answer this question.While the modern Christian Church surely does not lack energy, it certainly and increasingly lacks Kingdom and Great Commission focus. Leadership and administration in the modern church has lost sight to a degree of the role of the church in Christ's building campaign. Many have focused on the "building" (the noun and the verb) to the detriment of the church.The good news is that with proper changes, the state of the church can be restored. At RTWM, we counsel, lead, and mentor ministries of all sizes and demographics in leadership and administration, helping them achieve optimal Kingdom and Great Commission (GC) effectiveness and recapture the expansive energy prescribed by our Lord so that His building efforts may progress unencumbered by our personal, carnal agendas. To do this, we use a proprietary set of tools and instruments to help measure and maintain ministry balance.
Tags : #ReligiousInstitutions
Location :
Fountain Inn, South Carolina 29644
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020