Yummy with everything from A-Z, try our gourmet Bacon Bourbon Jam on your favorites!
Great way to kick off Memorial Weekend! Had a delicious dinner @joeyswynwood with dear friend from Joy-see. Can’t beat the Beef Carpaccio and Tiramisu. #friday #memorialdayweekend #greatitalianfood @wynwoodmiami
The best Elk Chili of all time! If you’re ever in/near Colorado Springs, head to @thunderandbuttons in @oldcoloradocity for the best Elk Chili. It was soooo good, @sharptonaj3 had to have a 2nd bowl! #greatchili #coloradosprings
Horsing Around During Mint Julep MonthA great way to get ready for “The Run”! So pour some Maker’s Mark and enjoy that telltale glug, glug, glug of a fresh bottle. Cheers! #cocktailsforcleanups #runfortheroses #mintjuleps #mintjulepmonth #makersmark #goldbugcollection @croghans @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves
Light Lunchwe love to have “snacks” for lunch. Fresh mango with arugula and wrapped with prosciutto, recipe courtesy of @southernlivingmag. I make bbq deviled eggs topped with @southernsoulbbq dry rub, Southern Soul Dust. Can’t beat lobster dip with fresh veggies! #goodeats @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves #lightlunch
Great day of trout fly fishing in The Dream Stream at South Platte River Basin in Colorado with @sharptonaj3 and our fabulous guide, @tere5643 of @broadmoor. #flyfishing #coloradosprings #greatdayfishing #visitcolorado
Beautiful day to attend the Greater Fort Lauderdale Food and Wine Festival. The Grand Tasting Village included countless food and beverage vendors. Discovered Horse Soldier Bourbon Whiskey by @americanfreedomdistillery. Great real life story behind this distillery. Two of its founders were members of the original “12 Strong”. Creative presentation by @hickorysticksbbq serving bbq and coleslaw in a waffle cone. Interesting combo! And portions of event proceeds go to @feedingsouthflorida . @hollywoodartspark @gflfoodwine @pritchardspreserves @visitlauderdale #goodeats @sharptonaj3 #foodandwinefestival @ Hollywood, Florida
So enjoyed meeting these two culinary icons and trailblazers, Nathalie Dupree and Virginia Willis. Only wish I could tell you what Nathalie was saying to the camera instead of cheese! #femalechefs @virginiawillis @pritchardspreserves @sharptonaj3 #chswff #chswff2019
Sea Island Forge kettles were seen and used at various locations throughout #chswff2019. US Foods chefs were among those who cooked on these kettles all weekend. Great talent using great tools! Pritchard's Preserves @ Marion Square
“Smokin’ In The Boys Room” event tonight as part of the #chswff2019 was complete with talented pit masters from all over the South plus tasty libations. Meeting @nmoralesnbc was an added bonus!
Great way to kick off 2019’s #charlestonwineandfoodfestival @pooganssmkhouse! Tasty beer pairing provided by @blackberryfarmbrewery was only matched by the incredible five course dinner. The piece de resistance was the dessert of pecan pie with salted caramel and vanilla ice cream. They had to roll us out of there. #amazingdessert #smokedbrisket #dryrubribs @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves
Where There’s SmokeFor those bourbon/rye whiskey lovers, this Smoked Old Fashioned is a must! Jessica at Bonefish Grill In Ft. Lauderdale suggested this cocktail. She took great care of us prior to the Herb Albert concert (yes he can still blow a mean trumpet). So, call me Old Fashioned! FTLBFGlocation #bfgoldfashioned @pritchardspreserves #oldfashioned
Opening season for stonecrabsJust can’t beat dining @joesstonecrab in South Beach with their famous sides of hashbrowns, creamed spinach and grilled asparagus. The stonecrabs with their special mustard sauce are simply divine. Of course, we had to finish with key lime pie. Yum! Celebrating the restaurant’s 105th anniversary, you know why they’ve been in business this long. Service is flawless, the cuisine delicious and atmosphere, buzzing. And we ran into friends from Austin, Texas! Added bonus! @sharptonaj3 #stonecrabs @pritchardspreserves #stonecrabseason
Does one counter the other? No sugarNo calories in #dietcoke but this handcrafted gelato bar of vanilla bean dipped in milk chocolate and rolled in #reesespeanutbuttercups was worth every bite! Enjoy great food trucks on Mondays at #hollywoodartspark The gelato is made by #hippops Next time, we’ll start with dessert! #wortheverycalorie @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves
Another great #sewe2018 weekend in Charleston! #seaislandforge #leebrothers #certifiedSEWE #kimshakleestory #charlestonsc #brittlebankpark
The best Saturday afternoon is a leisurely drive to Key Largo, feasting on mouth-watering conch fritters and crab cakes @alabamajacks1947 watching the gulls dance around the waterways, listening to a lively band as well as socializing with tourists and locals alike. Oh yea, you can’t beat a beautiful sunny day either! #thebestconchfritters @sharptonaj3 #pritchardspreserves #keylargo #alabamajacksbar #alabamajacks
Old Glory is never a fair-weathered friend. #snowday #oldglory @pritchardspreserves
Stopped in for a cocktail at Harry's Bar in Venice, home of the Bellini. Was one of Ernest Hemmingway's favorite watering holes! #harrysamericanbar @cipriani @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves
Lunch in Venice Italy with an authentic Caprese Salad and Preseco. The view was as incredible as the lunch! #ilovevenice❤️ @ca_sagredo_venice @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves
Toured the worldwide headquarters of Beretta in Gardone Val Trompia, Italy with @gardenandgun. Such highly skilled and dedicated team of artisans! Happy 491th anniversary @berettaofficial! #beretta @worldofberetta @sharptonaj3 @pritchardspreserves