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Primal Mountain is a gym, located at 990 S Main St, Ste D, Logan, Utah 84321. Visit their website www.primalmountain.com for more detailed information.

The Primal Mountain is where athletes go for seriously effective training.

Tags : #Coach, #PersonalTrainer, #GymPhysicalFitnessCenter, #Gym/physicalFitnessCenter

Location :
990 S Main St, Ste D, Logan, Utah 84321
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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What we do: Live effectively and efficiently

How we move: Often, functionally, frequently and varied.

How we eat: High nutrient real whole foods from nature. Call it Paleo, Primal, Caveman, Hunter-Gatherer, ancetral, etc. It's all the same.

How we sleep: In a cold dark room as much as we can (8 hours...?)

How we approach life: Simple is better and less is more. treat people well and respect your surroundings. There are important things and we tend to those with vigor. Everything else can go to hell. This reduces stress significantly!

We try to find the best methods for optimal living and bring these to you. Share what works and warn of things that hinder.

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