
Tags : #PlaceOfWorship, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
197 Church Rd, Harbinger, NC 27941, USA

5 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    20 November 2017

    Very nice church. Old fashioned enough, but modern enough too.

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  • Anynomous
    11 March 2017

    A body of Christian believers. They treat others fairly, help in their communities, in the mission fields, always welcoming. Praying, laughing, fellowships together as a family. If there is ever a need, prayers, just give a call. Come see for yourself small group but large hearts.

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  • Anynomous
    28 August 2015

    As a 25+ year member of this church, I find the review from Clarissa Clarks to be upsetting. I don't know Ms. Clarks and I'm not doubting the issues that she spoke of in her review, however, I do wonder what steps she took about her concerns. Did she attend the church at all herself? Did she speak to the governing body of Elders and address her concerns? Did she speak to the youth leader? Did she address her concerns with the youth committee? Or did she just pull her daughter out and write a bad review? Our Minister and Elders would welcome a discussion with Ms. Clarks. The youth leader in question is no longer at our church as he moved on to further his Christian RAP Artist career. Powells Point Christian Church is an awesome family! I have raised my two children in that church and been through numerous "youth leaders, ministers, directors, even did the job myself for many years with my husband before my children reached that age. Did I agree with them all, at all times, NO. Did I voice my concerns and issues with those in charge, YES. Were issues and concerns handled to my satisfaction, YES most of the time and in a fair and Christian manner. Many of the church family are loving, caring, kind, and considerate people. We are a small church with a very BIG HEART!

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2012

    My daughter has participated in the youth group at PPCC. Youth groups are a positive thing in a child's life, and she has learned a lot. However, over the past couple months she has come home with some odd questions and perspectives. One day we picked her up and she was talking about how 'shady' the government is, the illuminati, and other similar topics. She had started depicting alarmingly demeaning perspectives toward groups of people, so we began to cut back her visits to youth group. The last straw was when she came home talking about 'Magic Mike' and the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' book in a very adult manner. Why are these topics being brought up during youth group? My daughter comes home sounding like a parrot, talking about things she can obviously not understand because she is still a child. After some looking into, I discovered the teacher of this youth group does not have any sort of college degree that someone in his position should have, being someone who greatly influences children multiple times a week. No teacher training, or bible school education. My daughter will not be going back to this youth group. I am not the only parent who attends this church with this opinion. I suggest the youth leader not try and parent the children and/or put his own moronic thoughts into their heads.

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2012

    Come and join us great preaching going on

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