Lehne Burgers (Cape Coral, Florida) proudly serves Pixies Preserves Hot Pepper Jelly on their burgers. The BEST handmade burgers in the Cape!!!
Our newest display at the Latham Market 32. Pixies Preserves scores!!
We will be sampling our products Saturday December 8th from 10 to 2 at the East Greenbush Market32
We will be at Market 32 Balltown Road Niskayuna tomorrow from 10 am to 2 pm sampling our products. Please stop by!
Join us Saturday, April 14th at the Watervliet Price Chopper. We will be sampling our products from 10 to 2. See you there!
On Sat 1/13 we will be at the Ft Edward Market 32 Home Grown event from 10 am to 2 pm. Hope to see you there!
We will be at the Shaker Market 32 sampling our jams Saturday December 2ndhope to see you there!
We will be sampling our jams today at Market32 Clifton Park Rte 146A. Stop by and have and taste and dont forget to say hi to Walt
Saturday April 1st is Home Grown Flavors and Taste NY at Wilton Market 32. Please join from 10 to 2 as we sample our products.
Join us this Saturday, January 7th at Market32 Glenville. We will be sampling our products from 10 am to 2 pm
Christmas is fast approaching..order your jam gift boxes and holiday desserts
We will be at Eataly in Manhattan tomorrow as part of Earth Day sampling our products.
Pixies Preserves can now be found at the Gade Farm on Western Avenue, Engels Acres, Troy and Honest Weight Food Co-op