High quality, low cost. Friendly staff. Great gift baskets. . Awesome building, clean theatres, comfortable seating & friendly staff. . [read more]
Be sure to partake of the Clark Bars at the concession counter. These are a rare and hard to find Pittsburgh original!. The best date theatre around. . [read more]
The home of all off beat movies in Philly, need to try zahav after the movie which is in the area, awesome food!!!. Use the kiosk to buy tickets. . Not much space to hang out before the movie,.. [read more]
Recliners are comfy. I like the rewards program to earn free tickets. . Reclining seats, free drink refills. [read more]
Regal Entertainment Group theatre circuit. [read more]
Weekend matinees of family-friendly features for $2. 50 at 2 p. m. . Very cute theatre and great prices!. Best theater around cheap ticket price $3 cheap food price , the way it should be. [read more]
Theater is great, but this cat keeps staring at me. . [read more]
Franklin Theater, formally Stearns Science Auditorium, has cinema-style seating, a new surround sound system, acoustical treatment, a high contrast perforated screen, and a state-of-the-art.. [read more]
One of the best places to catch an indie film screening, we've seen everything from riveting documentaries to old B&W flicks. Buy tickets online early; this spot is so popular they often sell out. [read more]
Don't use your phone in the theater. The ushers will yell at you for it even well before the show actually starts or the house lights come down. . Black Box was freezing! Dress accordingly!. [read more]
Parking at 38th and Walnut. $16. 00. [read more]
The PFS Theater at the Roxy will program an array of highly anticipated new films along with repertory cinema not widely available in the city and will also offer educational programs focused on.. [read more]
Crappiest theater in the area. . [read more]
IMAX Theatre. [read more]
Very clean, great seats. . . many spacious theaters. . . soon to become an AMC national theater complex--great for both customers & staff!!! Enjoy the show!!! :-D. [read more]
A great place to spend some time. . Great live music & Imax!. Great for kids and adults. Always has something new. [read more]
Bala Theatre is a historic 1926 theater building at 157 Bala Avenue in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania. It was designed by Philadelphia architectural firm Hoffman-Henon. [read more]
עולם השוקולד של הרשי הוא מוזיאון שוקולד ומרכז מבקרים הצמוד למפעלי הייצור של חברת הרשי בעיר הרשי.. [read more]
Cinema Drive-ins (aka Cinema Pop-Ups) is the ultimate mobile movie-going experience. Safe guest spacing and an app-based platform to allow for greatly reduced human interaction. [read more]
フォーブス・フィールド(Forbes Field)は、アメリカのペンシルベニア州ピッツバーグにかつてあったスタジアム。MLBのピッツバーグ・パイレーツ、ニグロナショナルリーグのホームステッド・グレイズ、NFLのピッツバーグ・スティーラーズがそれぞれ本拠地にしていた。球場の歴史1900年代初頭に人気を得たパイレーツだが、当時の本拠地エクスポジション・パークは16,000人ほどしか収容できなかったため、球場で観戦したくてもできないファンが出てくるようになった。そのため、キャパシティを大きくした新球場を建設する必要に迫られた。1909年、パイレーツはピッツバーグ郊外の値段が安い土地を買い取り、3月1日に新球場の建設を開始した。4ヶ月の工事を経て6月30日、新球場フォーブス・フィールドが開場した。木製が主流だった当時において、鉄骨やコンクリートを用いて建設された球場は、フィラデルフィアのシャイブ・パークに次いで2例目だった。フレンチ・インディアン戦争で活躍したジョン・フォーブスという軍人の名前から「フォーブス・フィールド」と名付けられた。開場当時は内野のみ3層のスタンドを設置していたが、ホーナス・ワグナーなど人気選手を擁するパイレーツの人気は衰えることがなかったため、1925年に右翼に2層のスタンドが新たに設置された。1933年からはスティーラーズの移転に伴いアメフトとの兼用になった。1939年にはニグロリーグのグレイズもここを本拠地とした。主催ゲームの多くはワシントンのグリフィス・スタジアムで行ったものの、フォーブス・フィールドでもジョシュ・ギブソンなどスター選手がファンを湧かせた。1958年11月、ピッツバーグ大学がフォーブス・フィールドを200万ドルでパイレーツから買い取った。1960年代に入るとフォーブス・フィールドの老朽化が進み、多目的円形スタジアムが流行し始めたため、パイレーツは新球場を建設し移転することを決めた。1970年6月28日、フォーブス・フィールドは最後の試合を終え、パイレーツは翌月からスリー・リバース・スタジアムに移転した。. [read more]
Custom made decorative ironwork. Mild steel, stainless steel or aluminium. Use our design or your own to create something truly unique. . [read more]
The Old Franklin County Jail is a historic jail located at Chambersburg in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. It was built in 1818, and is a two-story, brick building with a slate covered hipped.. [read more]
The New Star Theatre in Mercersburg, PA. Family Fun for Everyone!!!. [read more]
City Theatre is a professional theatre company located in Pittsburgh's South Side. It specializes in productions of new plays and has commissioned new works by playwrights on the national.. [read more]
هذا هو الجروب الرسمي للصفحه نرجو الانضمام اليه https://www. facebook. com/groups/166356393489108/. [read more]
Bring a lawn chair, beverage and enjoy a movie under the stars at the Pines Drive In. Movie dates and times will be posted!. [read more]
متحف موتر هو متحف طبي يقع في وسط مدينة فيلاديلفيا, بنسلفانيا. يحتوي المتحف على مجموعات من غرائب الطب, عينات تشريحية وباثولوجية, تماثيل من الشمع و أدوات طبية عتيقة. [read more]
Recreation Park was a sporting grounds and stadium located in what is today Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The stadium existed during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. [read more]
Wheatland, or the James Buchanan House, is a brick, Federal style house outside of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, in Lancaster Township, Lancaster County. It was formerly owned by the 15th President of.. [read more]
The Meadows Racetrack and Casino is a standardbred harness racing track and slot machine casino in North Strabane Township, Pennsylvania, United States, about 25mi south of Pittsburgh. [read more]
Philadelphia's newest Disc Jockey company. Partying will never be the same. . [read more]
Live Entertainment, Movies, Mini and Pop Up Festivals, Food Fairs, Cruise In/Car Shows and More. . [read more]
Delvin Glenn "Del" Miller was a driver, trainer and owner in the sport of harness racing as well as an important breeder after acquiring Adios to stand at his Meadow Lands Farm in Meadow.. [read more]
Friends of the Opera Buffs are a collection of individuals who are passionate about the opera at The State Theatre, the group of Opera Buffs, and the generosity of the Theatre. [read more]
Reeves Field, also known as Reeves Stadium is a football stadium located on the campus of Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, United States. [read more]
The Sherman Theater's 'Severed' is celebrating it’s 10th season! Severed is a seasonal horror event showcasing all varieties of horror and cult cinema on the Sherman Theater’s historic screen. [read more]