
Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
State College, PA 16801, USA

18 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    02 January 2019

    Spent a weekend at state college watching Penn State vs Wisconsin 2018. Such the legendary football atmosphere in the northeast. When there check it out. Be well vacationsensei

  • Anynomous
    25 September 2018

    Best 4 years of my life! I received a wonderful education while I also learned important life lessons. There is never a dull moment in Happy Valley. I'm convinced that there is no place with as much school pride as PSU. I will forever bleed blue and white. We are!

  • Anynomous
    10 September 2018

    I have received a great education from Penn State University at affordable tuition compared to other colleges around. I'm well pleased with the quality of education I received from Penn State. Professors were very knowledgeable and willing to help you. Consider tutoring services on your Penn State campus. They have valuable resources to help you to become successful student! Great opportunities to meet new friends and attend a variety of clubs and events on Penn State campus.

    Best of luck to all of future prospective students at Penn State!

    I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree Nursing. I did very well and Penn State nursing has did a wonderful job with helping me to prepare myself for the NCLEX. For future nursing students, consider Penn State as your choice for great quality of nursing education!! 😊

  • Anynomous
    18 February 2018

    I attended a professional training program at this location. The program was a great training opportunity for those in my professional career path to ensure that we have the skills we need to meet the continuing education requirements.

  • Anynomous
    14 February 2018

    Amazing university. A really great place for students. Visited the university to watch inter college football match. It's a more than a festival atmosphere. An amazing experience. It was a surprising crowd that filled the stadium. A great opening ceremony before the start of the match.

  • Anynomous
    17 January 2018

    Absolutely vile. No amount of marketing BS and doublespeak will wash away the heinous crimes of the child rapists and frat killers (and their many defenders at the school).

  • Anynomous
    03 January 2018

    This is a truly great school. It has a large number of departments and most are highly respected throughout the world. I now live in Korea and am a professor there. My Penn State degree is very respected. I majored in geochemistry and found that department an excellent atmosphere for both undergraduate students and graduate students. Also took courses in computer science and digital electronics as well as physics and chemistry. The wonderful thing about the university is the wealth of excellent professors in the departments. You may major in one field but to acquire a well rounded education as this school is prepared to teach you and round out your education. I highly recommend this school for both undergraduate and graduate education.

    Also the surrounding environment is excellent. This does not feel like a city university. The whole region is centered around this school. There are many companies that were founded by graduates of the school and many opportunities for jobs after your graduation. Also I enjoy caving and hiking and there are many state parks nearby and caves in the karst valleys for which Pennsylvania is famous for. The nearest commercial cave is Penn’s Cave located about 20minutes from the university. It is well worth the visit as it is one of the few caves you visit in a boat! All in all Penn State University could not be better places to provide a well rounded education. I highly recommend it!

  • Anynomous
    12 December 2017

    Stop with your leftist liberal ideologies and start doing what's right for your college students to be safe. Start treating everyone equally too because obviously you definitely don't do that. Bye Bye to your funding hahahahaha.

  • Anynomous
    29 October 2017

    I fell in love with Penn State when I first went to visit. It was a fantastic school and I loved my 4 years there. Great atmosphere, great people. We are...!!!!

  • Anynomous
    18 September 2017

    One of the finest University Campuses I have ever been too. I graduated in 1985 and did not appreciate the beauty of the buildings and grounds until years later.

  • Anynomous
    12 September 2017

    The students are so zoned into the phones that it's really not safe to drive through the campus. I found out by accident when I was doing road work near the school and needed a restroom and made a wrong turn into the campus. None of them batted an eye when I'd want to turn in to turn around or when I stopped at a stop sign. I almost got several students at several different areas as they crossed the road outside of cross walks. To even turn around I had to cut students off. Carefully of course.

  • Anynomous
    26 June 2017

    Decent academic and sport school. However, life expense is fairly high as a college town. Seems to be pushed up by the realtor developers, who might pay the school as return in favor. Commuting is a problem too. Buses are always packed in school days. Parking lots on campus are up to a mile to your building. Constant traffic jams in and near campus. Town roads are narrow and curvy, especially Atherton and Park.

  • Anynomous
    02 June 2017

    It's a great university. The campus is very nice!! Is good watch when is summer and people are playing some sports.

  • Anynomous
    23 May 2017

    I couldn't have chosen a better school to attend. The courses are relevant and the lessons learned are very applicable in the real world. The networking opportunity is undeniable. You will encounter countless Penn State Alumni holding high positions in many organizations. Penn State is a highly recognized and reputable institution. When I say I'm from Penn State, the respect it commands can't be ignored. Forever Proud to be a Penn Stater! WE ARE!!!

  • Anynomous
    16 May 2017

    Because Penn State officials do little about fraternity hazing and alcohol abuse involved this will continue and more beautiful smart young adults will become addicts and will die. This is not confined to Penn State yet Penn State has the opportunity to STOP hazing through various means and become at great national leader in this area instead of an enabler of this type of behavior. Though Penn State has a policy in place about this, the possible disciplinary action wording seems weak to me. The policy could state that all students witnessing this behavior that do not notify the police immediately will be expelled permanently. Furthermore the State of Pa only treats this as a third degree misdemeanor. Penn State could lobby Pa. legislators to increase changes and penalties.

  • Anynomous
    12 May 2017

    One of the best Public Schools. A public Ivy school. Great for all engineering courses in grad level. And a welcoming school for international students.

  • Anynomous
    08 February 2015

    If I could go back in time and do my college life again, I would come to Penn State again. Amazing academics. I am not a sports person but its great in here. The only catch is, you have to work hard to stay good. But hey, you are in one of the top universities of the world!

  • Anynomous
    11 October 2014

    I went to NYU for grad school, and I have many associates that went to the top universities in this country. Penn State is just as good as any of those. In some ways it's even better because the experience can be whatever you want to have. If you want to be the best in your chosen career path, or if you want to have an amazingly fun day and night throughout Spring, Summer and Fall, then you can have that. Live a life well lived, keep your GPA above 3.8, network with fellow students, professors, alumni, get great internships, plan your short and long term future, and always keep your goals in mind. Cheers