Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo is a family owned & operated farm-type petting zoo. Farm animals for visitors to pet, hold, & feed. Great family fun for all ages! Fun for the family, field trips, birthdays, family reunions, & more!! Pumpkin patch begins the last Sat. in Sept. until the 1st week in Nov. Hours/days vary depending on the weather and season. Feel free to call before visiting.
Open @ 10:00 today.
Skinny pig babies (Hairless Guinea pigs)
Thank you, Tara & SE Baptist church!!
Baby chicks & baby ducks! Lots of baby bunnies!! Baby skinny pigs born this morning! (Hairless Guinea pigs) Picnics welcome. Egg hunt 3:00
Egg Hunt Age groups 0-4, 5-8, 9-12, + special needs kids & adults Petting zoo admission $5/person. Open 1:00-5:00 Egg Hunt 3:00 Picnics welcome Restrooms available
Easter Egg Hunt
Open 1:00 Egg hunt 3:00 Age groups 0-4yrs, 5-8yrs, 9-12yrs There will be an egg hunt for Special Needs children & adults. Please share
Last year was our 1st Easter Egg Hunt @ Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo. We will do it again tomorrow but we definitely know more about what to watch for & what to do or not do. This time the big kids WILL NOT go get the eggs before it even begins for the little ones. I was in costume & unaware of this until too late. There will not be an egg hunt for older kids. There will not be an Easter story due to complaints , "If I wanted to be preached to, I'd go to church". There will be no refunds because "my kid didn't find any eggs". I ran over eggs with mower for months. You will pay petting zoo admission. Nothing extra for egg hunt. So, you can't get refund for something you don't pay for. We will not guarantee that anyone finds a certain # of eggs. We will have lots of eggs. Negative comments will be deleted. Those who wish to gripe, whine, & complain, please stay home. Can't please everyone.
Easter Egg Hunt @ Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo Sunday @ 3:00. Petting zoo admission $5/person. Kids 1 & under get in free.
Open today 10-5:00 Sunday 1-5:00
Petting zoo workers: If you are planning on working Fri, Sat, Sunday (any or all days), please be here at 6:00 this eve. We have things to go over (training). If you are interested in working let me know.
Open 1-5:00 today.
Petting zoo open Wed 12-5:00 Thu 10-5:00 Fri 12-5:00 Sat 12-6:00 (weather permitting)
Open until 6:00 today. Want to work? Weekends, weekdays, or bothcome talk to me today.
Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo schedule for this week Mon - closed Tue-Fri 12-5:00 Sat 12-6:00 Sun 1-5:00 Looks like a beautiful week & weekend!
Open 12-5:00 today.
Open Wed/Thu 12-5:00. 70°days Admission $5/person. 1 & under get in free.
☔closed today☔
Peek-A-Boo Petting Zoo open Sunday 1-5:00. SPRING BREAK Open Mon-Fri 12-5:00. Sat 12-6:00, Sun 1-5:00