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Paws And Claws Animal Hospital is a veterinary care, located at 2145 W Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75075, USA. They can be contacted via phone at +1 972-905-6952, visit their website www.animalhospitalplanotx.com for more detailed information.

Tags : #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
2145 W Park Blvd, Plano, TX 75075, USA
Added by Jopie, at 12 August 2015

Opening Hours

  • Monday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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10 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    09 November 2017

    6 months ago my sweet 5 year old golden retriever had her normal bi-annual checkup done and with that comes a full blood workup. She was always perfectly normal on all her levels until that day. Her liver and kidney enzymes were highly elevated!! Scary news, but as to not panic Dr Messonnier put her on 3 herbal all natural remedies to start immediately and thought it best we do an ultrasound and x-rays. I chose to do all of the above and her liver was swollen but it was recommended to check blood every 3 months and ultrasound every 6 months. HAPPY to report that 6 months later, all of her blood levels are now normal and her ultrasound was clean. WE DID ALL OF THIS NATURALLY AND WITHOUT DRUGS! Thank you Dr. M!

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  • Anynomous
    01 May 2017

    Where do I begin a little about my dog Trucco he is a 9 yr old Border Collie that has skin problems, I have tried just about everything except for holistic treatment so I ran across veterinarian in a magazine speaking very highly of what they were capable of doing so I figure maybe just maybe there might be hope.
    The first visit starting with scrapping skin test, blood work and medicine that cost $500 usd then as days went by Trucco was not getting better more medicine and antibiotics was not getting better The Dr. Ordered byopsy test came back negative for cancer what a relief $1000 usd . I was desperate to get him better so I found de Dermatologist Clinic they ran a test and found an auto-immune desorder started him on steroid and immune suppressor medicine after three days my puppy was getting better and his hair came back. I spent almost $3.000 usd and the Dr. Messonnier than had no answers to anything.
    I guess the moral of this story is Dr Shawn Messonnier is very misleading and very costly and all about your hard earned money , not to mention my dog almost Died. .

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  • Anynomous
    21 March 2017

    When I call a vet hospital or clinic I don't want a 5 min recording telling me what buttons to push just to speak with an idiot. ALL of the other clinics and hospitals i have called a person answered and at least pretended to care. I hung up before I finally got to ask my questions. Most people don't have time for cheap like this.

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  • Anynomous
    04 February 2017

    Massive price & dog had severe immune problem after receiving holistic alternative medicine. Brought dog back in & she was given vitamin C shot which I almost dog over this. After having to take my dog to 3 specialist, she is now fine. She started with female problems & endured severe liver problems with his plan. I would NEVER take my beloved dog to this vet!

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  • Anynomous
    25 January 2017

    First of all, their waiting room is ridiculously small. Secondly, I can not believe how much he takes advantage of customer's.They slapped a $700 very unorganized estimate of services on us and had an awful attitude when we wanted further explanation and time to think it over. He tried to put us in a guilt trip. Money is NOT an issue for the care of our dogs. We simply felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable with the services. They wanted to muzzle our 16 week old puppy for an ear cleaning. I literally was shaking when they asked us to put it on because I want my puppy to have positive experiences at the vet. We ended up walking out and paying for the visit. Horrible experience.

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  • Anynomous
    25 January 2017

    AWFUL customer service! Unbelievably rude, unqualified, greedy and overpriced. That basically sums up my experience at this place.

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  • Anynomous
    02 December 2016

    In Sept, my kitty stopped eating. Over the weekend, she'd lost about a pound. Being an advocate of natural medicine, I researched naturopathic/holistic vets in the area. Dr. Messonnier’s name popped up. I read the reviews. They seemed mixed, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and checked out his website.

    His website looked promising, so I decided to take my kitty in to see him that Monday morning. She was really bad at that point. She could hardly walk. I was afraid she could die at any moment. When the doctor finally came into the exam room (my appt was 30 mins prior to this), the first thing he told me was that he was really busy and had 3 emergencies, so we needed to hurry up. I thought to myself, “Uh, ok, but my cat ALSO has an EMERGENCY.” I said “okay” and told him what was going on as quickly as possible. He then wanted me to bring her out of her carrier. I tried to coax her and lift her up a bit, which always works, but she was so utterly exhausted that she just laid there unwilling to budge. After one or two literal seconds, I divulged she didn’t want to come out. I continued to try to get her out, but instead of waiting perhaps one more second for me to open the top or pick her up, he proceeded to lift the opposite end of her carrier and make her fall out to face plant onto the table. Frantic, I put my hand under her ribs just in time to catch her. I couldn’t believe he just did that. He was in a hurry, and she wasn’t hurt (because I caught her), so I let it slide. He asked if she was always that small. I told him she was a naturally petite cat, but she’d lost about a pound. That was all he did to “examine” her. He said she would have to stay for at least until the end of the day, and he’d have someone write up a treatment plan. He left the room. I only saw him for maybe 5 mins.

    About 15 mins later, a lady came in with a plan totaling about $1200. It was extremely thorough, excessively so, containing everything from an EKG to probable medications. She left me to look it over. My fiancé showed up and entered the room. We discussed in privacy for about 15 mins before we decided to leave. It wasn’t the money. I would spend whatever it took to take care of my baby. We left because of the doctor’s curt, callous demeanor. His insensitivity was unacceptable. Veterinarians who lack compassion lack the ability to properly care for animals. My fiancé also reminded me that the facilities were inadequate and lacking. The doctor told me blood work would not come back until the next morning. He sends away for blood work which wastes time. Who knows what else he doesn’t do himself. So, for an entire 24 hrs, we wouldn't even have a basic health assessment. She could die before then. On top of that, the place seemed to be an overly stressful environment. We were definitely leaving.

    After $79 later (our 5 min exam fee), we took her to her old vet. They use conventional medicine, but saw her right away. They said she was severely dehydrated and hooked her up to IV therapy immediately. Blood work was done in house and came back within minutes. It was really bad. BUN was at 172, Creatinine 14.3, Glucose 202, etc. I told them I did not want to use drugs on my kitty, and they willingly complied. After a week of hospitalization on IV therapy and a few gentle E-tube feedings, she was a happy cat, eating on her own. No drugs used, and she was excellently cared for by people we’d trusted for years.

    It’s a shame there aren't many other holistic vets around. There is no regulation for them at this point. Dr. Messonnier is a self-proclaimed holistic vet. I believe his intentions are good, but I can’t trust him. My veterinarians were willing to work with me and my natural medicine requests. They gave her a b12 injection into her IV to increase her appetite, gave her a heating pad to keep her warm, gave her a vitamin supplement every day, and allowed me to provide her preferred water, food, and litter. I would suggest you ask your trusted vet about natural alternatives that they can provide before taking your pet to see Dr. Messonnier.

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  • Anynomous
    07 September 2016

    My experience with Dr. Messonnier was great. I took my 8 month old Beagle to a vet we had been using for 16 years for a growths on and in his mouth. She removed them had it diagnosed and said it could come back. Well they did and many growth like warts were in his mouth. Took him back to the same vet and nothing was prescribed however my little boy was diagnosed with Papilloma warts. Well I decided to take him to Dr Messonnier and he crushed the warts that he could could crush and prescribed some supplements. The warts were gone in about 3 weeks and my baby is doing well. These warts were on his tongue, throat all over his mouth.The conventional vet did nothing when the warts were few just said they would come back. Well they have not come back after Dr. Mesonniers treatment and I am looking at making him my permanent vet. I believe a lot of the meds given to pets cause more damage then the conditions, I like the holistic and conventional approach.!!

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  • Anynomous
    04 May 2016

    Dr. Messonnier price gouged us on prescription medications. Our 15 yr old cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. He prescribed methimazole AND supplements.
    For the first bottle of methimazole, one ounce, 5mg/ml, 30 day supply, he charged $62. Dr. Messonnier picked it up at the neighborhood pharmacy and we "purchased" it from him.
    For the second bottle, two ounces, 60 day supply, he charged us $139.70. Once we found out what pharmacy was being used, we made an inquiry at the pharmacy and were told that the first bottle cost is actually $30.65 (he marked it up 100% or $31) and the second's actual cost is $63.60 (he marked it up 120% or $76).
    His office manager tells us, unapologetically, Thats the price of doing business with us. Oh really? We've NEVER had any other veterinarian do this to us.
    Then there were the first TWO supplements he sold us. Both are Heel products. He charged $30 for one, one-ounce bottle (tablets mixed in water) and $20 for the other. A total of $50 for one ounce each. Checking online, both those Heel products are sold 100 tabs to a bottle at around $25 per bottle and theyd last a LOT longer than what he sold us (we estimate a 4-5 times markup). Then the latest supplement we purchased (for possible bladder/urinary health) was $24.75. Again, a bottle of the same Heel product, 100 tabs, can be purchased online for the same amount and last a lot longer.
    After complaining, he then had the balls to send us a letter saying he would not treat my cat any more. I called that office and told them there was NO WAY I was ever coming back there anyway, so you could've saved your paper.
    Do NOT make the mistake of taking your beloved pet here. You will be sorry!

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  • Anynomous
    19 August 2015

    He is an excellent vet. He saved my 9-year-old cocker spaniel from cancer. He found a small little dewclaw tumor and felt it was cancer. He removed it and it was a fast growing cancer. Today, my dog is 13 and still going strong. I really like his holistic approach along with his use of traditional medicine. I recommend Dr. Shawn to everyone that I know. His work with pets who have cancer is amazing. My dog's brother (who had another owner) died from cancer right before Rocky's was discovered. I know it was genetic. Without Dr. Shawn, I know my dog would have suffered a similar fate. Thanks to Dr. Shawn and his staff for truly being a life saver.

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