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Patient Advantage is located at 2274 Niagara Falls Blvd, Tonawanda , New York 14150. They can be contacted via phone at (866) 695-2213, visit their website patientadvantage.com for more detailed information.

Patient Advantage began with a parents search to find the right medical information to save their sick child. Today it has grown into a patient advocacy firm that empowers people with healthcare information.

Tags : #HealthWellnessWebsite, #MedicalService, #Health&WellnessWebsite

Location :
2274 Niagara Falls Blvd, Tonawanda , New York 14150
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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Patient Advantage uses registered nurses as Nurse Advocates in a face to face model. Whether you are a person seeking help for yourself or your family, or an employer seeking cost reduction for health care costs of your employees, Patient Advantage’s Nurse Advocates will be able to help you get your needs met.

"It is our mission to empower people with information, engaging programs for better health, health guidance, patient advocacy, and compassion to help them seek the best outcome for their health issues and achieve the greatest health possible."

We have pursued this mission since 2003. Our success has consistently lowered the cost of health care for our clients.

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