History of Parks Crossroads Independent Christian Church
Several churches were organized in Randolph County about 1842. The Rev. Thomas C. Moffitt was instrumental in the organization of these churches. The first church of Parks Crossroads Christian Church was a long structure located on Buffalo Ford on Deep River about 2 miles south of the present church. The church was organized with 16 members. The land for the church was donated by Robert Barer and the land for the cemetery was donated by the Parks families. The frame building was erected in 1880.In 1907 a new church was erected on the present site. The logs were given and sawed by George York at Cox’s Mill. This sawmill was operated by water and was located on the creek of Highway 22. Sunday school classrooms were added to the structure in 1932. The entire church was modernized in 1953. More classrooms were built in 1966. In 1971 the church was veneered, the steeple replaced, and the porch and fellowship hall were added.On New Year’s Eve 1991, the church sanctuary and classrooms were burned leaving only the fellowship hall and some classrooms standing. The present building was completed in 1993 with the dedication service held on May 2 of that year. There is a full size fellowship hall under the sanctuary and classrooms on either side of the sanctuary. The indebtedness was completely paid for within two years of its completion.
Our Doctrinal Beliefs
We believe in the six-day creation of the universe.
We believe in the verbal and plenary inspiration of the Bible.
We believe in the one true God which consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross of Calvary and that He rose from the dead on the third day.
We believe that sin entered the world through Adam and that all people are born with a sinful nature.
We believe that hell is a literal place.
We believe that faith alone in Jesus Christ is the only way for a person to go to heaven.
We believe in the pre-tribulation and pre-millennial rapture of the church.
We believe that heaven is a real place where the presence of God dwells and where all the believers go when they pass from this earth.
We believe that sinners will stand before the Lord at the Great White Throne and all believers will give an answer at the judgment seat of Christ.
Sunday School- 9:30am
Sunday Morning Service- 10:30am
Sunday Evening Service- 6:00pm
Wednesday Evening Service- 7:00pm
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