We offer our services to other major SMM providers, as well as to you, our valued customers, with 30 different professional teams around the world. We can boost your Spotify play counts in.. [read more]
God is truly in this place and works miracles I tell you… the Prophet is Powerful … God is truly using him. The LORD JESUS is truly in this place. [read more]
The Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is the name given to a religious building belonging to the Catholic Church and is located in the town of Cruz Bay, Saint John the smallest of the three.. [read more]
Changing the world one life at a time. We believe that each person can have a relationship and fellowship with God, the Creator of all things seen and unseen. [read more]
The Friedensfeld Midlands Moravian Church and Manse are historic buildings in Christiansted, Saint Croix, Virgin Islands which are listed on the U. S. [read more]
Guided by the Holy Spirt, building the kingdom of God. Guiados por el Espiritu Santo, construyendo el Reino de Dios. . [read more]
Our aim is to be recognized by Jesus Christ as His church. . . to please Him in all we do. . . contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. . [read more]
The Jennings Road Church of Christ exists to Glorify God by turning unchurched people into fully devoted followers of Christ. [read more]
THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: We will reach, touch, build, and transform lives into the integrity and character of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [read more]
~ Receiving God's Love ~ Rebuilding Relationships ~ Restoring the World ~ Sunday contemporary celebrations at 9:00 and 10:30 am. . [read more]
Callaway Community Church 5110 Beaver Street Callaway, Fl 32404 Founder Rev. Tillman Ward Pastor Eddie Pitts 850-867-7828 Wife Karen 850-303-0515. [read more]
Bible Study Fellowship is an interdenominational Bible study class for women and pre-school aged children from infant to kindergarten. We also have a school aged program for homeschool kids up to.. [read more]
A wedding chapel in Rockton Illinois. Sunday services 10:00 a. m. Wedding video http://youtu. be/iOxfrrOc2Ww. [read more]
We are a group of Christians whose desire is to seek and serve God. We gather on the first day of the week, as instructed by the Scriptures, and also we meet mid-week for Bible study. [read more]
Safe. Simple. Encouraging. [read more]
Biblically, historically, distinctly Christian in the spirit of the 16th c. Reformation. . [read more]
Pets are family pet food pantry is a non-profit organization who distributes pet foods & supplies to economically underprivileged families in Dupage Co, IL. [read more]
At Tetelestai Church, we are focused on being attentive to the Word of God in order to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [read more]
We are here to lead people on the journey to authentic faith by loving God, loving people, sharing Jesus, and growing in grace together. . [read more]
We welcome all to our church! God has blessed us with our ministry for over 200 years within our community. Sunday blended worship service 10:30-11:30 am. [read more]
Our passion is to love and follow Jesus fully so others will be drawn to HIM! First cowboy church in South Carolina. Est. April 2006. . [read more]
A group of Christians following Jesus' pattern for His church in today's world. . [read more]
Judah Deliverance Ministries We Do It Better Because We Do It Together!! Join us every Sunday for Sunday School at 10:30am & Join us every Sunday for Sunday Praise.. [read more]
Christ-centered, family-based, progressive, covenant relational ministry. Where JESUS is Lord!. [read more]
Sunday School 9:30am*Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am*Friday Night Healing and Deliverance Service 7:30pm*Wednesday Night Bible Study/Ministers Class 7:00. [read more]
The JMIWC is growing multi-cultural fellowship. Come and experience the manifest presence of God with us. Services are every Sunday at 10:30AM. . [read more]
"Saving the Lost and Healing the Saved. " We are a multicultural church filled with the love and presence of God. . [read more]
We are a ministry that shall find the lost, help he hurt, and those that are broken, shall be made whole and new again. . [read more]
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night at 7 pm in the fellowship hall at First Baptist Church Elberton and we serve a meal at 6 pm. Child care is available. [read more]
A small loving congregation in the country. Worship Service 9:00AM; Sunday School 10:00AM. No service on 5th Sunday. Pastor Joy Wilson. [read more]
We are a church who believes and stands upon the word of God. The Acts 2:38 salvation message is still alive and strong and we want to share it with you!. [read more]
Sunday school 10:00am Sunday morning service 11:00am Sunday evening service 5:00 pm Wednesday evening service 7:00pm. [read more]
Real People. Serving a Real God. Making a Real Difference. . [read more]
We are a Kingdom-focused church that loves God, loves others, and loves to serve! www. northgoodland. org. [read more]
Our goal is to share our testimonies with the world. We will share how our lives have been changed by the power of God through Jesus Christ. . [read more]
Cultivating a resting place for His Presence. Gateway Church coming events and happenings. [read more]