
BioPharma Products, LLC is a Worthington, MN based company which specializes in the commercialization of novel products in veterinary medicine. Utilizing our familiarity with the veterinary market, BioPharma applies a disciplined development strategy utilizing a cadre of industry experts to enable products to be commercialized in an efficient and cost effective manner.

OsteoBioScaff™ is a structurally unique medical device that has multiple uses in veterinary medicine. OsteoBioScaff™ is composed of a proprietary, non-immunogenic copolymer. OsteoBioScaff™ does not contain any drugs, cells or growth factors and achieves its tissue repair properties from a unique patented scaffold structure.

The patented structure of OsteoBioScaff™ forms a scaffold for cell proliferation, differentiation, and integration. Assays have shown that cells interacting with OsteoBioScaff™ demonstrate a change in gene expression for a variety of factors, including Bone Morphogenic Protein 2 (BMP-2), Transforming Growth Factors β3 & β1 (TGF-β3, TGF-β1), Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF) and aggrecan. These factors are important for tissue repair including cell in-growth, extracellular matrix turnover and vasculogenesis.

Key Orthopedic Attributes of OsteoBioScaff™:
• Osteopromotive: Accelerates bone repair and osteogenesis
• Multi-tissue compatibility: Can be used in a variety of hard and soft tissues
• Non-Immunogenic: Designed for optimal tissue integration and acceptance
• Cost Effective: Allows use without limiting case selection
• Drug/Growth Factor Free: Optimizes performance through physiologic repair mechanisms

Exclusively distributed to veterinarians through VetSource.

Tags : #BiotechnologyCompany, #Veterinarian, #MedicalResearchCenter

Location :
715 W Shore Dr, Worthington, Minnesota 56187

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