Molly’s miracle will be in Blythe for a Low cost spay, neuter and vaccination clinic. Call to schedule your appointment.
Chicken thighs at Oscars stop&shop
We will be closed today to spend time with family. Have a great holiday and we will see you tomorrow🦃🍽🥧
Wishing you a happy Father’s Day weekend. Stop by and pick up some carne asada and pollo asada to grill for your dad!
Spay and neuter clinic coming to town! Contact Animal Action League for more info.
Thank you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Animal Action League will be in Blythe in April. Please call to schedule an appointment for low cost spay/neuter. They also provide low cost vet services like vaccinations , microchips etc....
We will be closing at 1 p.m. Saturday (25th) for a family event. Thank you.