Escape from reality to a world of complete serenity. Portland day spa providing facials, skin laser treatments (Microcurrent Facials, Ultrasonic, Microdermabrasion Facials), cellulite reduction, laser hair removal, using the latest technology - Venus, Genesis, Titan and SmoothShapes. Eyelash extensions and Botox too!
Great result after few month of IPL treatments
Venus Legacy, 8 treatments, 7 lbs less!
Quite a difference!
We're so excited to reveal our new website and logo! Please take a look and let us know what you think. Spread the word about our services. Our best referrals always come from our clients!
Xeomin (Botox) $10 per unit. Juvederm $499 per syringe .Xeomin has an Xperience program where the client signs up for an account and will get a $100 visa gift card towards their treatment with Dana, NP. When they get the card, they bring it with them to their treatment and use the $100 towards their total bill.