My brothers and sisters, if you missed the initial sermon of Minister Quinton Robinson, you missed an awesome move of God. This young man preached as if he had been preaching for years. [read more]
A thriving Apostolic Pentecostal Church in Hamilton, Ohio where revival is happening and the spirit of God is moving! Your Journey Begins Here!. [read more]
Tema La santidad y Obediencia que hay en El Pueblo de Cocorit Sonora
We are a devoted body of believers who are ready to receive and disciple the lost into a great relationship with God. All are welcome in the name of Jesus. [read more]
Servants of MaryAddress: 6601 Ireland Road Windsor, OH 44099Phone: 0Web site: www. servantsofmary. orgEmail:. [read more]
We are a group of committed Christ-followers serving our community and neighborhood in Kettering, Ohio. We want to be a church where people connect. . [read more]
Love God. Love Others. Change Lives. . [read more]
May 23-26 2019 Thursday & Friday 4-10pm. Saturday & Sunday noon-10pm. [read more]
Mañana Domingo 10 de Noviembre vamos adorar a Dios juntos. 10 AM Estudio Bíblico 11 AM Servicio de Adoración Comenzaremos una pequeña serie titulado “Tres Clases De Personas”. [read more]
Deseamos que su entrada a esta pagina provoque un ferviente deseo de buscar a Jesucristo con todo el corazón. Bienvenidos, Que se goce y se llene! Dios les bendiga mucho. [read more]
We are an open and inclusive people of faith; all are welcome!. [read more]
Our mission: To be a magnet, drawing people who need Jesus to know and grow in Him. Our "Big Rocks": Reach | Teach | Care | Praise | Blaze November 7, 1984. [read more]
La Biblia fue inspirada por Dios en su totalidad y es la palabra De Dios para el hombre, y entendemos la prioridad de conocer y obedecer sus verdades. [read more]
Este ministerio está llamado a expandirse en las naciones y enseñar que Jesucristo es el REY DE REYES. . [read more]
Sunday Traidtional Church Service: 9:00 AM Fellowship: 10:00 AM Praise & Worship Service: 10:45 AM Wednesday Bible Study: 6:00 PM [un]Plugged for Youth: 6:00 PM. [read more]
Igniting A Movement to Reach a Disconnected Student Culture | One Church Gahanna & One Church Northwest Columbus. [read more]
We are a vibrant open and affirming faith community located in the Columbus Downtown Discovery District. Worship and social justice are at the heart of all we do. [read more]
United Methodist Church is a historic church North Washington Street in Millersburg, Ohio. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Millersburg was built in 1871, replacing an earlier building from 1821. [read more]
SCC is a Christian Church and all are welcome! Sunday School 9:30am Sunday Celebration 10:30am WOW Wednesday 5:30pm-7:00pm (for kids 3 and up). [read more]
JESUS is The TRUE Representation of The Church. . . . [read more]
Sr. Pastor- Teresa D. Tyus, M. A. , B. A. Asst. Pastor- John C. Tyus, DMin, M. A. , B. S. . [read more]
Christian youth sports program offering Soccer in the spring and Flag Football in the fall. . [read more]
Upward is a K4-6th Grade basketball and cheerleading ministry of First Baptist Church of Glen Este. . [read more]
" A Place To Discover Your Purpose ". [read more]
Following Gods footsteps everyday. [read more]
Sunday mornings and evenings, we have sermons from God's Word. Please be our honored guest in person if you are in the area. . [read more]
Statement: We, Corpus Christi Parish, celebrate the Risen Christ in our lives, the lives of our families, and in our community by living the Gospel messag. [read more]
We are an intentional church family devoted to the hearing of God's Word, and the doing of God's Word. . [read more]
Changed Lives Ministries is a gospel-preaching ministry based in Strasburg, Ohio. . [read more]
Esther Community Ministries believes in sharing the message of Jesus Christ. We work with churches and other organizations who need a resource. . [read more]
Preserving and promoting the Catholic Faith for the salvation of souls and the glory of God! We love visitors. . . check us out!!. [read more]
We are a church for all people, races, & nationalities. With the Bible as our textbook we emphasize the teaching of His Word. Come join us Sunday's @ 10am. [read more]
Summer Worship Schedule 10 am Combined Worship and Sunday School at the 76 Bell Street Sanctuary. [read more]
We are a country church where folks of all ages can worship our Lord, Jesus Christ. Office hours Monday afternoons. . [read more]
🧣🧦🧤 The mitten tree has arrived!!! We will be accepting donations of hats, gloves, scarves, socks, etc. every Sunday in November!! Donations will then be distributed through the.. [read more]
Rev. Dr. Jimmie Hicks, Jr. - Senior Pastor. [read more]