For upcoming events and our videos of Church services. . [read more]
A Apostolic Prayer Warrior & Intercessor ministry devoted to build God's kingdom 1 soul at a time through strategic prayer methods & strategies. . [read more]
Join us each Sabbath (Saturday) Sabbath school-- 9:45 am Worship--11:05 am Tuesday Bible study 6:00 pm Fellowship meal 3rd Sabbath following worship. [read more]
Westwood United Methodist Church is a historic Methodist church in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. Constructed in 1896 for an established congregation, it has been named a historic site. [read more]
State Avenue United Methodist Church is a beacon of Christ’s light in the Lower Price Hill Community of Cincinnati. As our Lord Jesus Christ calls us to love and accept every person, all.. [read more]
Akron Internationals is a ministry of The Chapel that seeks to care for the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual needs of internationals in the Akron area. [read more]
We love God. We love our neighbors. We are a place of grace. We will welcome you no matter what. . [read more]
MISSION STATEMENT: * Spreading the word of Salvation through the Love of Christ * Provide a Christian Fellowship riding group *Be a good witness of Christ *Be there for people in need. [read more]
New church plant in Goshen, Ohio! Starting summer of 2020. . . We exist to bring the love and hope of Jesus to all people! Birthed as an expression of Calvary Alliance Church in Anderson Township. [read more]
Apostolic Doctrine, Pentecostal experience, Spirit filled, Bible based. . [read more]
The Church of God International is based in Tyler, Texas. Incorporated in 1978, CGI has ministers and congregations scattered throughout the United States and Canada. [read more]
St. Thomas Lutheran Church is a Missouri Synod Lutheran Church. It was established in 1961 and dedicated on June 4th, 1967. Reverend Christian F. Just presides. [read more]
St. Paul Lutheran Church and Preschool is located in Liberty Center, OH. We area member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. . [read more]
Rev. Therman C. Sampson II, Pastor. [read more]
Sunday services starting at 12:30 PM. . [read more]
St. Francis Seraph Church is a Roman Catholic parish in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was established in 1859 by Franciscan Friars of Province Of St. John the Baptist on the site of the first Catholic.. [read more]
GENESiS is a distinct spiritual community within First Baptist Church comprised of people who seek to begin a personal relationship with Jesus, connect with God and each other, and grow as.. [read more]
Long Reach Charge Churches: Mt. Olive, New Matamoras, Salem Hall & Sardis United Methodist Church - Located in Southeast Ohio. [read more]
Welcome to our Facebook page dedicated to the boys who play CYO football for St Mary Magdalene - St Justin Martyr located in Willowick / Eastlake, Ohio. [read more]
Founded on March 17, 1962, we moved to our current location a few years later. The church building dates from 1892, and its Spanish bell from 1632. In 1993 the church hired the Reverend.. [read more]
The purpose of Women’s Ministries at HPC is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending His Kingdom in her life, home, church, community and throughout the world. [read more]
FUPC is a church full of love and compassion for God and His people. . [read more]
Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation in Wauseon, Ohio. Worship: Thursdays at 6 PM and Sundays at 9:30 AM Sunday School: 8:30 AM Our congregation is a member of the ELCA and affiliated with.. [read more]
Children's ministry at House of Praise International Church. Bridging the gap between church life and family life. English Service times 9am & 11am Spanish Service times 12pm & 1pm. [read more]
Leading a Community to Jesus Christ. [read more]
1Peter 2:9 “But he are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that he should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into.. [read more]
A church is not a building, it's the people. Due to COVID-19, many families have been impacted negatively and have been encouraged to stay home and practice social distancing during this pandemic. [read more]
First Presbyterian Church of Jackson is located at 225 Church St. Jackson, Ohio 45640. Call 740-286-1928. Email firstpres3@frontier. com. . [read more]
The First Presbyterian Church of Sandusky is located at the corner of Washington and Jackson Streets in historic downtown Sandusky, Ohio. Sunday worship at 10:00 am weekly. [read more]
This is the group page for admins of the private group "Catholic Women for Traditional Family Values". This account is used to make admin posts and comments on the group. [read more]
We are a bible believing group of born-again Christians, who are supporting one another and our community through obedience to the great commission. . [read more]
Go out into the world and share the love and preach , the gospel of Jesus Christ�. [read more]
Clarksville Pentecostal Church of God is a church, located at 7098 State Route 350, Clarksville, Ohio 45113. They can be contacted via phone at (937) 289-2065 for more detailed information. [read more]
First Baptist Church of Urbana. [read more]
Somos Una Iglesia Comunitaria en Dayton, Ohio! Nuestro deseo es poder Bendecir las Vidas por medio de la Palabra de Dios!. [read more]
Confirmation class is a two year enrichment process meant to reaffirm our baptism and love for God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. [read more]