Ele:293Name:Elzay Gallery Of ArtSource:USGS GeonamesTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Addr State:OHGnis Reviewed:NoGnis Feature.. [read more]
Name:Mikee Huber Studio & GalleryEmail:Mikee. arts@gmail. comTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Website:Https://www. [read more]
Name:Fisher/Wall GalleryTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. . [read more]
Ref:146Name:School Of Art Collection RoomLevel:0Indoor:RoomTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Operator:Kent State University. [read more]
Ref:142Name:The Crawford GalleryLevel:0Tourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Website:Https://www. kent. [read more]
Ref:143Name:The Payto Student GalleryIndoor:RoomTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Website:Https://www. [read more]
Name:Charles Herndon GalleryTourism:GalleryAn area or building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions. Operator:Charles HerndonAddr City:Kelleys IslandAddr State:OHAddr.. [read more]