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Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance


Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance. They can be contacted via phone at (202) 712-0000, visit their website www.usaid.gov for more detailed information.

We provide humanitarian aid worldwide on behalf of the American people

Tags : #GovernmentOrganization

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Added by Jopie, at 08 August 2018


The U.S. Agency for International Development's (USAID) Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) is the lead office for managing and providing U.S. Government emergency assistance overseas. We respond to an average of 65 disasters in more than 50 countries every year and make life better for tens of millions of disaster-affected people.

Privacy Policy: http://www.usaid.gov/privacy-policy

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15 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    31 August 2018

    Did You Know that most of South Sudan is reachable only by 🚁? Logistics Cluster is critical to helping get U.S. assistance to people in need. Here’s how they do it

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  • Anynomous
    30 August 2018

    Home should be a safe place. But after years of displacement, this Iraqi family returned to northern Iraq to find their house had been bombed by ISIS. With the help of a USAID partner, they made repairs & now feel secure again, transforming their destroyed house back into a home. "Our family is safe, that's what counts."

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  • Anynomous
    29 August 2018

    When devastating floods in Burundi left thousands homeless, our partner IOM Burundi helped provide families with temporary emergency shelters. The best part is they can also use the same materials- including plastic sheeting and wooden poles- to rebuild their homes.

    Photo credit: IOM - UN Migration

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  • Anynomous
    26 August 2018

    Today on #NationalDogDay, check out this cool photo of Loki, one of Virginia Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue’s search & rescue 🐕 at a recent USAID training. He may look cute, but don’t be fooled, rescue canines from Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department & Los Angeles County Fire Department are highly trained and ready to jump into action at a moment’s notice.

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  • Anynomous
    25 August 2018

    Today marks one year since the beginning of the Rohingya crisis, when violence in Myanmar caused a mass exodus of more than 700,000 people who fled to Bangladesh. USAID continues to work with partners in both countries to provide life-saving aid.

    Photo credit: Tapash Paul for USAID

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  • Anynomous
    24 August 2018

    All children should have a safe place to play! 🎨 🤹 🎲 🤸🏾‍♀️ . In Nigeria, our partner COOPI gives kids affected by ongoing conflict a safe space to just be kids! #FridayFeeling

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  • Anynomous
    23 August 2018

    Conflict has forced nearly 50,000 people to flee their homes in Mali. On top of that, many lack access to food and basic services. That’s why USAID is working with Catholic Relief Services to provide food assistance, shelter, safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene.

    Photo credit: Catholic Relief Services

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  • Anynomous
    22 August 2018

    “When you live in a tent you feel hopeless and depressedThe activities here give us hope,” Marwa, Hassan Sham camp, Iraq. Check out this new video 📽️ to see how USAID & IOM Iraq work together to provide counseling, training and other activities to Marwa and other displaced Iraqis.

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2018

    #DYK that bamboo is #earthquake strong? In Ecuador, our partner Miyamoto International trains communities susceptible to earthquakes how to build houses using bamboo and other materials they can find locally. It's all part of our efforts to help communities build back safer after a devastating quake struck the country 2 years ago.

    Photos courtesy of Miyamoto International

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  • Anynomous
    21 August 2018

    This #WorldHumanitarianDay, join us in honoring the aid workers who put their lives on the line to save lives.

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  • Anynomous
    20 August 2018

    This morning at 11am, USAID Administrator Mark Green joins CSIS | Center for Strategic & International Studies to discuss the future of humanitarian aid. Watch live & join the conversation #CSISLive

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  • Anynomous
    18 August 2018

    USAID disaster expert Sarah McNiece is always on the move, whether she's responding to an earthquake or taking care of her two kids. This World Humanitarian Day- 19 August, Sarah shares why she wouldn't have it any other way--and encourages more women to join her.

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2018

    Every day, USAID disaster experts work to save lives in some of the world’s most dangerous places. For World Humanitarian Day- 19 August, we asked them why.

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  • Anynomous
    16 August 2018

    New USAID-supported weather stations are up and running in Paraguay! These high-tech stations were built by USAID partner ACDI/VOCA & Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional - Paraguay to help local authorities monitor conditions – like 🌡️ & 🌬️ - so they can be better prepared for dangerous weather.

    Photo credit: Secretaría de Emergencia Nacional - Paraguay

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  • Anynomous
    15 August 2018

    Each year, USAID responds to an average of 65 disasters in more than 50 countries. This World Humanitarian Day- 19 August, we recognize the tremendous service of all of the humanitarian heroes--including those at USAID--who put their lives on the line in the world’s most dangerous places. Why do they do it?

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