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Oakes Writing & Website Services is located at 315 W 4th Ave, Oberlin, Louisiana 70655-6201, United States. Visit their website www.oakeswriting.com or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Oakes Writing Website Services helps small businesses grow using inbound content marketing...the words people use to search.Many marketing agencies today have forgotten the basics. What are the basics?1. Well-written articles that solve a problem for your customers.2. Expansion of your online network through careful, proper links.3. ...Actually, that's it. That is all there really is to great content marketing. In fact, Google says "Just write great content." Is it really THAT simple?Yes. When we search for answers to our questions, we either ask a complete question into our phones or type a few key words into a search engine. Then, we review the search results pages (called SERPs) looking for the result that we believe will best answer our question. It is a given then, that the more questions you answer on your website for your customers, the more results you will get.And the better those answers are (longer, higher quality), the more results you will get.In other words, if you simply answer questions the best you can, in-depth yet concise, the search engines will send people to that page when they ask the same question. This will draw traffic to your website and result in more clients. It really is that simple.This is why, since 2009, Oakes Writing has continued to provide outstanding written content for websites. If you need us to find the questions your customers are asking right now, we can do that as well. We specialize in helping business professionals and tradescraft industries.Have a question or want something written? Call now 337.660.4774.

Tags : #MarketingAdvertising, #Marketing&Advertising

Location :
315 W 4th Ave, Oberlin, Louisiana 70655-6201
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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