Depending what office u go to some of them are extremely rude ad and some is very caring
They have a great public safety program
This has been the worst experience transferring to a new school I sent my transcripts over a month before the semester started and I called multiple times and they gave me the run around saying they couldn't find them I sent them a second and third time finally a week after classes start they are located I stayed with guidance and we talked about my schedule she gives me a list of classes to take and thanks this made you better for me so I switch now it turns out that two of my classes are not for my major so I got bumped down to a half time student which then I lost most my financial aid then I go apply for a loan and they tell me now because you don't have enough credit hours you can't even apply for a loan every step of the way since I've started this school they have screwed me if you are transferring to the Northwest Florida area I suggest Pensacola State College when the better ones in the area and they won't try to screw you every time you turn around
I've been given the run around all summer. Maybe I'm just spoiled and gotten lazy. At Pensacola State College, I get my class schedule, print it out, take it to the VA office, and I'm done. I drive an hour to nwfsc to register for classes only for them to tell me that they don't do that there, that I have to do it myself. It's was getting close to closing time so they were telling me that I an find classes online at home and if I have any questions, I can call back the next day. After filling out all the paperwork, I'm told that instead of the verification of enrollment being sent straight to the school, it has to be sent to my address and then I have to take it to the school. Also, my book stipend will take 30 to 60 days to be received. I called the school today, nothing was sent off and I'm 2 weeks into the semester without books. Oh!!! My classes use custom books from the school's library. The cheapest book is $200. The Most expensive is $300. I'm so frustrated. But the teachers are the best part. Except for maybe the online ones.
I have not attended nor registered at this school for classes. Yet on my credit report there is a 205 dollar charge from this institution that i have had to dispute. I would be careful with this place. Clearly they are trying to scam people.
The teachers are the best part of this school. It may have a lot of kids (high schoolers enrolled in Collegiate), and old people trying to do something different with their life, but it's still a good school for anyone going for their two year degree. There are a few four year degree options, but most people will have to go to a real university to get their desired discipline. Again, the teachers are what make this campus so wonderful. Against everything bad that may or may not be true about this place, the teachers are #1. I love them all.
Horrible student services even worse campus police go anywhere but here.
Dealing with the admissions office, financial aid, and anyone else that serves as a road block to enrolling or even receiving books is a complete nightmare. Overall, no one is willing to help you whatsoever. I've been sent on wild goose chases to be given the same answer of "oh I don't know sorry. If you want, you can talk to (insert other employee who won't know the answer either)" It's ridiculous and it's definitely an issue of the departments not communicating with each other and there not being any concrete guidelines or "manager." It is rare to find someone willing to help, but not impossible.
HOWEVER, if you are lucky enough to enroll in a class then you will find that the teachers are extremely helpful and always looking out for your best interest. As a dual enrollment student of 3 years (with experience in fast track, hybrid, online, and full in class semester), I have never had a problem with any of the teachers and I very much appreciate all that they do. They are the only reason I'm not giving this school a rating of 1 star. If you can deal with the discouraging process of enrolling then you should not have any problems IN class.
STAY AWAY!!! Attempting to attend this school is absolutely pointless! This place is awful. I've been trying to enroll here and attend classes for months. I have the finances, the grades, and anything required on my end. I will briefly describe my experiences with this place. Signed up months in advance. It begins I drive to the school complete all paperwork, submit finances, and transcript. I ask every individual I encountered "are you sure this completes your portion of the process?" the answer is always the same. Oh yes sure! I return home a week later logon to the school's website no updates not one. I call the school they have never heard of me. I go back up to the school repeat all steps from day one. A few days later I check the website again. Nothing i'm not kidding nothing. I call they say oh it takes two weeks to input the information (one piece of one sided paper). At the time of this post it's been 3 months. I went all the way up to the school president (whom doesn't exist they don't have one) and ended up speaking with the executive assistant to a president that doesn't exist lol. That was also pointless. Take my advice stay away or if you're extremely bored and have endless time to waste North West Florida State College will be a great fit for you!