NJ Ronin is a collection of new and seasoned martial artist from different academy’s that have either closed or were just never the right fit. Ronin defined literally means: “he who drifts/wanders”. Ronins were made to feel like outsiders that didn’t belong. If you’ve ever felt like you didn’t fit in or just never really felt comfortable at a gym or another academy we would love to welcome you here with open arms. Come be a part of our family and wander no more!
Located at 229 Main street in Hackettstown, NJ
It’s the Journey not the destination. That’s what I remind myself about in times like these. The first picture is day 1. We started with mats in my garage. The last picture is now. We’ve grown so much in the past two years and worked hard to get to this point. I am sad to say this our last full week at this location. Circumstances forced us to move unexpectedly. But seasons of unexpected change bring growth if you can find a way to keep moving forward. We shared so many memories here and this location will always have a special place in our hearts but it’s time to move on to bigger and better adventures. Just lucky to have the best team a guy could ask for. The amount of support has been unbelievable. Stay tuned for updates on our new location and stop by to get some final rolls in. #Ronin @ Hackettstown, New Jersey
Rest. Heal. Get back to it. We’ll hold it down while you’re gone 👊🏼Repost @aidancp_10p with @get_repost ・・・ Today was the last class I teach before my surgery, and the last class I teach at the current spot. I love all the crew at @njronin. I’m very grateful to be able to share the mats with everyone. I’ll be out for a little but best believe I’ll be back #bjj #jiujitsu #nogi #nj #10pjj #ronin
Gianna is not much of a point fighter. SubMission. #naga #youngronins
No big deal, just @mattnicolls training with #ufc flyweight champion Valentina Shevchenko #Repost @bulletvalentina ・・・ Great to see our friends from @puremmanj ! 🙂👊🏻👍🏻 Good workout at the evening, to sleep well 🙂 New Jersey. October 2019
Come on in, the waters fine. #swim
Relaxing with the living logo after a another great day of training! #mondaysdontsuck
If you don’t like Monday’s, you’re spending them with the wrong people. We’re gonna need a bigger boat.
These guys are finishing the week right! Great mount escape drills and live rounds today from our Young Ronins.
You’ve been warned!
You know coach @doncioffi_strikersstrike is here when the windows look like this at the end of the night. #turnofftheac #coachisback
More photos of Saturday’s Anniversary BBQ. The best of times! @ Hackettstown, New Jersey
Thank you to the over 60 people who came to celebrate our 2 Year Anniversary. Time flies when you’re having fun with people you care about. Looking forward to many more years and the many new friendships that this Martial Arts journey will bring. See you next year!
Teaching is a privilege. One I never take for granted. Easily the best part of my day. Happy to have a lot of our kids back from summer break! Back to work! #youngronins
Open Mat Monday 10AM. No mat fee. Everyone is welcome!
@chris_weiss21 made a video clip of the creation process of the Ronin sign he gifted to us. Still can’t believe he made this for the team. Very blessed to have who we have do what they do. #hometeam
Hope your dog trains. Ours has good top presh. 🐺#dogoftheday #internationaldogday @ NJ Ronin Jiu Jitsu and Striking Academy
Great class with our neighbors to the north. @summersidemartialarts has some tough guys and I left with a few details I can add to my game. Thanks as always for the hospitality. See you all soon! #pei #canada #jiujitsuaroundtheworld