Please consider giving to this great resource for our students! All donations help big and small!
Meet the Greeks has begun! We’re here at Central Park until 2 pm. Come meet our 45 Greek organizations and learn what they are all about!
Congrats and welcome to Order of Omega Zeta Eta Chapter's newest initiates!
Hello FSL! Please send a rep from your chapter who is not helping with Trick or Treat with the Greeks to this important conversation!
Ladies, if you had trouble registering for PHA recruitment last night, try again - registration is open until 9am!
Check out the Greek Showcase tonight!
NIU men - join a fraternity! To register for fraternity recruitment, visit (it's free!). We look forward to seeing you in September!
Panhellenic Recruitment registration is now open! Visit to register!
Don't forget to reserve your FREE tickets for tonight's Greek Unity Stroll @ Duke Ellington Ballroom. You don't want to miss the big reveal!
Due to the weather forecast, the Welcome Days Meet the Greeks event will be in the Holmes Student Center - Blackhawk Dining. The Huskie Den is also reserved for recreation, Saturday, 8/20, 12-2pm. Come on out and Meet the Greeks!