Dedicated to education about the structure and function of the human brain. Using a diverse collection of human brain specimens organized in engaging exhibits, the museum provides a rich.. [read more]
I. & M. Canal National Heritage Cor. is a museum, located at 15701 S Independence Blvd, Lockport, Illinois 60441. [read more]
103丁目駅(103rd Street)はニューヨーク市地下鉄レキシントン・アベニュー線のローカル駅である。スパニッシュ・ハーレムにあるレキシントン街と103丁目の交差点に位置し、24時間6号線の列車が停車し、6d号線の列車が平日に、4号線の列車が深夜の時間帯に停車する。1918年7月17日にこの地下駅は開業し、4本の路線に2つの相対式ホームを有する。中央にある2つの快速用線路は昼間に通過する4号線と5号線の列車専用である。110丁目駅を除く全てのグランド・セントラル-42丁目駅 と125丁目駅の間にある他の駅には上の階にローカル列車の線路があり、下の階を快速列車が走る。両方のホームとも整備されており、壁の一定の間隔ごとに『103』と書かれた刻板と『103RD STREET』とタイムズ・ニュー・ローマン字体で書かれた駅名の刻板がある。1990年代の改築前、刻板は横向きに天井から吊るされる形であったが、改築後撤去された。ローカル列車のホームの南端に緊急用電話がある。この駅の唯一の出入り口はプラットホームと線路の南端の上、中二階にある。中二階は互いのホームを繋ぐ2本の渡り廊下で構成しており、渡り廊下には待合場所、回転式出札口、改札口と103丁目とレキシントン街の交差点の南東と北西へ通じている2本の階段がある。1990年代陶磁器のアートワーク、ニッツア・タフィノによる『Neo-Boriken』が設けられた。外部サイト ニューヨーク市地下鉄 — Neo-Boriken Artwork by Nitza Tufino (1990) Station Reporter — 6 Train MTA's Arts For Transit — 103rd Street (IRT Lexington Avenue Line) 通りから見た出入り口:Googleストリートビュー. [read more]
The Albany Heritage Area Visitors Center offers visitors access to information seven days a week. Our knowledgeable staff can answer visitor inquiries and we are well stocked with travel.. [read more]
Nunda Historical Society Museum & Rose M. Shave Gallery is open by appointment only until April. . [read more]
www. eduardoanievas. com. [read more]
The Stephentown Historical Society was formed in 1973 to bring together those interested in the history of the town. Since then, members have been gathering artifacts, documents, photographs,.. [read more]
الحديقة النباتية في نيويورك هي واحدة من الحدائق النباتية الرائدة في الولايات المتحدة، والتي تأسست عام.. [read more]
Our mission as a Museum and Visitors' Center is to Preserve, Protect, and Interpret the Artifacts and Heritage of the County through Exhibits, Programs, and Research. [read more]
Painting and Drawing Classes for Adults and Children at the Science Museum of Long Island's Visitors Center. Tues 11-1:30- Fri 1-3:30 Children Sat 10-11:30. [read more]
NYC's next great destination on the Staten Island waterfront. . [read more]
This page is dedicated to the Altamont Fair Fine Arts program, that strives to encourage new and experienced artist to share their work in a supportive yet competitive setting. [read more]
23rd Street is een station van de metro van New York aan de Eighth Avenue Line in Manhattan. Het station is geopend in 1932. De lijnen maken gebruik van dit station. [read more]
Amerikan Doğa Tarihi Müzesi, Central Park yakını, Manhattan, New York City, ABD'de bulunan dünyanın en büyük ve en ünlü müzelerinden birisidir. Müze birbirine bağlı 25 bina bloğundan oluşmaktadır. [read more]
The Village Green is a collection of houses that tells the story of Cutchogue from 1640 to the present. [read more]
We are open most Monday nights and by request at any other available time! To schedule a visit, please call Jeff Armstrong at (845) 518-0635 or Denny Evual at (845) 287-0901. [read more]
History of Rail City Museum - the first steam operating railroad museum in the United States created by Stanley A. Groman, MD, from Syracuse, NY. . [read more]
Art and design from what we find, soon to be on Etsy. All artwork is designed by lisa, an accomplished Plein air artist. . [read more]
Sea Cliff Village Hall, Library and Museum Complex is a historic civic building complex located at Sea Cliff in Nassau County, New York. The complex is a grouping of three functional units in.. [read more]
The firm's principals have experience as managers of large institutions and as planners and designers of a wide variety of cultural facilities. This knowledge and understanding is invaluable in.. [read more]
The Nathaniel Hill Brick House, locally referred to as just the Brick House, is located on NY 17K in the Orange County, New York Town of Montgomery. It was built in 1768 by Hill, one of the.. [read more]
Amerykańskie Muzeum Historii Naturalnej – położone na Manhattanie przy 79 ulicy i Central Park West w Nowym Jorku. Jest jednym z najbardziej znanych muzeów historii naturalnej na świecie. [read more]
Montauk Oceans Institute of the Montauk Historical Society. Dedicated to the love and history of surfing and ocean health in and around Montauk N. Y. . [read more]
The mission of Tesla at Niagara Museum is to establish a world-class museum and tourist destination in Niagara Falls, New York! We are a non profit org. [read more]
Treasure Town is a museum, located at 624 Myrtle Ave, New York, New York 11205. [read more]
The American Friends of the Jewish Museum of Greece is the only official representative of the Jewish Museum of Greece in the United States of America. [read more]
Creativity on and off the walls!. [read more]
Museum-Fashion Institute Tech is a museum, located at 560 Fashion Ave, New York, New York 10018. They can be contacted via phone at +12122175800 for more detailed information. [read more]
The American Museum of Natural History, located on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City, is one of the largest museums in the world. Located in Theodore Roosevelt Park across the.. [read more]
Fundado en 1997, el Skyscraper Museum está localizado en la ciudad de Nueva York, es actualmente el único museo de esta índole en el mundo. Como su nombre sugiere, el museo se centra en.. [read more]
Cold Spring Firehouse Museum is a museum, located at 84 Main St, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724. They can be contacted via phone at (631) 367-0400 for more detailed information. [read more]
History like you never learned it in school! Revolutionary Era, Hamilton & Burr and Revolutionary War Spies. Forget those boring books and classes, experience history as if you are really there. [read more]
The Edmeston Museum -- 1 North Street, Edmeston -- is a local museum featuring the history of our township. . [read more]
Ornamental hand woodcarving,decorative objects,sculpture, gold leaf finishes,antique frames restoration and reproduction. . [read more]
Big Tent Cultural Center is a welcoming venue for the arts, music programs, workshops, meetings, and, private parties that give people the opportunity to grow together through shared.. [read more]