Lindenwald Haus, located at 1526 Grand Central Ave, Elmira, New York 14901. They can be contacted via phone at (607) 733-8753 for more detailed information. [read more]
Martin Van Buren National Historic Site is a unit of the United States National Park Service located south of Albany, New York, or two miles south of the village of Kinderhook, New York in.. [read more]
SU Writing Center is a school, located at 101 HB Crouse Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244. They can be contacted via phone at (315) 443-5289 for more detailed information. [read more]
StackPoint Solutions provides innovative technology solutions and services. Offering our patent pending scent distribution, and game feeder control systems. [read more]
Bay Trail Parent Teacher Association serves the students, families, teachers and community of Penfield NY. . [read more]
Private message for questions regarding future services. Book online!!. [read more]
Syracuse University Chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma Beta Gamma Sigma is the premier honor society recognizing business excellence. . [read more]
A Co-ed International Medical Fraternity chapter comprised of pre-medical students of a variety of majors, and offering opportunities for service, mentorship, and other educational experiences. [read more]
Find homes for sale and Apartments for Rent on ProperyMarkits. com. Search for Real Estate listings to buy, to sell or to rent. You can also find Property a. [read more]
Tacos Neza Restaurant is a restaurant, located at 1455 Saint Nicholas Ave, New York, New York 10033. They can be contacted via phone at +12129288532 for more detailed information. [read more]
Welcome to Big Apple Supply Inc. You will find our expert service, quality products and low prices to be an unbeatable combination. Great knowledge and customer service distinguish Big Apple.. [read more]
Phone number. [read more]
Bring us your ideas, and we’ll draw from the best of millwork technology, skill and experience to create products crafted with pride. . [read more]
Locust Valley Inn is a restaurant, located at 225 Birch Hill Rd, Locust Valley, New York 11560. They can be contacted via phone at +15166765377 for more detailed information. [read more]
Der John F. Kennedy International Airport (IATA: JFK, ICAO: KJFK) ist vor Newark und LaGuardia der größte Verkehrsflughafen im Großraum New York und liegt im Stadtteil Jamaica des Stadtbezirks Queens. [read more]
Scientific American Inc. , located at 1 New York Plz Ste 4500, New York, New York 10004. They can be contacted via phone at +12124518200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Utica College is a private university located in Utica, in the U. S. state of New York. The history of the college dates back to the 1930s when Syracuse University began offering extension courses.. [read more]
Crouse College, also known as Crouse Memorial College and historically as John Crouse Memorial College for Women, is a building on the Syracuse University campus. [read more]
Island Green Indoor Golf, Staten Island’s premier indoor golf facility. Golf Simulator (28 courses), Indoor Golf Launch Monitor, Lessons, Leagues etc. [read more]
Greenkill Environmental Education Center, located at 160 Big Pond Rd, Huguenot, New York 12746. They can be contacted via phone at +18458582200 for more detailed information. [read more]
New Jerusalem Missionary is a church, located at 1034 Montgomery St, Syracuse, New York 13202. They can be contacted via phone at +13154784278 for more detailed information. [read more]
Quality Laundry Parts at the Right Price!. [read more]
La finalidad de esta página para motivar y levantar esos ánimos y hacerte saber que la vida es una sola. Disfruta a lo máximo con los que te rodean. . [read more]
Saint Michaels Ukrainian Catholic Church is a church, located at 21 Shonnard Pl, Yonkers, New York 10703. They can be contacted via phone at +19149630209 for more detailed information. [read more]
Crafts and gifts for All Occasions, center pieces, flower bouquets & arrangements, jewelry and more. [read more]
賓漢頓大學(賓厄姆頓大學)是位於紐約州上州的一所公立大學。賓漢頓大学是纽约州立大学系统内四个旗艦大学中心之一。 虽然名叫賓漢頓大学,它的主校区却位于临近宾汉顿市的维斯塔尔镇。自1946年成立以來,它已經從一個小型的文理學院發展成擁有六個學院,1萬6千多名學生,授予博士學位的研究型大學。卡耐基教育基金會把它列為研究活躍的綜合性大學。建校過程賓漢頓大學設立於1946年,前身為三城學院(Triple Cities College)(BUCSSA)(TASC. [read more]
布魯克林-砲台公園隧道(Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel)是一座位於美國紐約州紐約市的收費隧道,穿越東河底下連接曼哈頓與布魯克林。隧道在1950年通車,其結構是由兩管隧道構成雙向總共四線道,的長度使得布魯克林-砲台公園隧道成為北美洲最長的水下隧道。過去曾載有紐約州27A公路,現今載有478號州際公路。隧道名稱中的「砲台」(即英文的Battery)意指曼哈頓島的最南端,過去這塊地方在紐約市早期時曾經是部署防守重炮的軍事要地。紐約市府擁有布魯克林-砲台公園隧道的所有權,但是由紐約大都會運輸署的附屬機構-三區橋樑暨隧道管理局所營運管理。歷史建造歷程最初三區橋樑管理局(即三區橋樑暨隧道管理局的前身)的局長羅伯特·莫斯屢次嘗試著將興建隧道的提案改為在同址以興建橋樑替代,雖然許多人反對興建橋樑,因為擔心橋樑的興建會破壞曼哈頓下城城市天際線的景致,而且砲台公園也會因為橋樑連絡交流道龐大的佔地面積,而被縮減成極小的大小,以及也會需要摧毀當初位於柯林頓堡(Clinton Castle)的紐約水族館。最後是由美國總統富蘭克林·D·羅斯福經由軍事國防管道下達一道命令,以在該址興建橋樑會對布魯克林海軍碼頭(Brooklyn Navy Yard)通往外海造成阻礙並對國家安全構成危險為由,最後才得以恢復隧道的工程。然而這個理由實際上並不成立,因為在當時曼哈頓大橋與布魯克林大橋早已位於布魯克林海軍碼頭與紐約外海之間。隧道的設計者為歐雷·辛史塔得(Ole Singstad)並在1940年10月開始興建,然而在興建的途中因為二次世界大戰的爆發而暫止工程。二戰結束之後莫斯所管的三區橋樑管理局與紐約隧道管理局(The Tunnel Authority)合併成為三區橋梁暨隧道管理局,而布魯克林-砲台公園隧道的興建工程也被三區橋梁暨隧道管理局所接管,而興建工程亦在1945年底恢復,並在1950年完工通車。. [read more]
纽约州立大学布法罗学院(the State University of New York College at Buffalo),现又称布法罗州立学院(Buffalo.. [read more]
纽约州立大学布法罗分校(University at Buffalo, the State University of.. [read more]
羅克蘭縣(Rockland County, New York)是美國紐約州東南部的一個縣,東傍哈得遜河,西、南鄰新澤西州。面積516平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查,共有人口286,753,而在美國2010年人口普查,人口已增加到311,687人。縣治新市(New City)。成立於1798年2月23日,縣名的意思是「多石的地方」。. [read more]
紐約州立大學理工學院(State University of New York Polytechnic Institute,簡稱:SUNY Polytechnic.. [read more]
CFC's YouthBuild works to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income youth while constructing affordable housing in #ROC. . [read more]
james bass photography: a central and upstate new york photographer with a studio in syracuse's historic armory square specializing in weddings, portraits and events. [read more]
Quantum Medical Imaging, located at 2002 Orville Dr N, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779. They can be contacted via phone at +16315675800 for more detailed information. [read more]
Proudly providing quality and effective electrical services to the community. Fully Insured for residential and small commercial needs. Bonacci Electric provides same-day or emergency services.. [read more]
Dance Well NY, located at 412 8th Ave, New York, New York 10001. They can be contacted via phone at +19175666416 for more detailed information. . [read more]