Custom woodworks serving Eastern New Mexico and West Texas. . [read more]
Award-winning musical composer Jim Papoulis transforms children's lives through the power of song. Join us on our journey as we film Jim's lifelong commitment to change the world through music. [read more]
Designs, illustrations, and art inspired by Mexican culture! -Mexico slays-. [read more]
Tres Cuervos Shop is a clothing store, located at 3123 Central Ave, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. They can be contacted via phone at (505) 204-8428 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dipsy Dip offers a full line of nail dipping powder and 100% real nail polish wraps, as well as nail jewelry and accessories. . [read more]
Local 2009 Albuquerque boys soccer team, representing Classic FC, and developing into great soccer players. June tryouts are listed, currently we are looking for 4-5 additional boys to join out.. [read more]
At Amway, we know that our success is dependent on the success of the Amway Independent Business Owners and the confidence people have in our products. [read more]
山達基(Scientology,非正式中文譯名包括「科學神教」和「科學教」)是一套信仰與修行活動的體系及宗教,由L·羅恩·賀伯特所創立。山達基教會始於1952年,山達基的前身是賀伯特更早期的一套自我幫助的系統──戴尼提。為宣傳教義,賀伯特於1953年於美國紐澤西建立了山達基教會。山達基在台灣已被合法認定為可免除稅捐的宗教,於2014年獲頒行政院獎且獲內政部連續十年頒發全國績優宗教團體獎,但在如英國、加拿大、德國、法國、俄羅斯、中華人民共和國等國,山達基並沒有宗教地位,而被視為營利組織。山達基教導人們,人是不朽的精神個體,而此個體已經忘卻了他自己真正的本質。山達基恢復靈性本質的方法,是某種形式的諮商,被稱為(Auditing—Scientology)。從事聽析的參與者,其目的在於意識清醒地重新經歷他們過去的痛苦或受傷的事件,以便讓他們從那些事件有限的影響中釋放出來。成員按照明定的數額捐獻,就可以獲得研讀的教材與聽析課程。有許多個組織被成立來監管山達基的運用,最著名的就是山達基教會。山達基贊助了多種社會服務計畫。這些計畫包括了:快樂之道,用一本小手冊表述了數十條道德規範;那可拿,一個反毒的計畫;可明納,一個監獄罪犯的更生改善計畫;一個稱作的教學法;一個完成網上課程可以當的(Volunteer Ministers),還有一個商業經營管理的方法()。這些機構往往不表明與山達基的關係,間接招募教徒,通過版權費使教會獲得可觀的收入,也全屬清新擴展委員會,任務是建立一個山達基的世界。最廣為人知的山達基信徒包括好萊塢影星湯姆·克魯斯、約翰·屈伏塔,和台灣女演員張瑞竹。山達基一開始就飽受爭議。它常被媒體、前山達基人描述為一個邪教,進行財務上的詐騙並虐待其成員,為其靈性上的服務收取過高的費用。山達基教會對付這類的批評者一貫採用訴訟的手段,而它積極追趕其敵對者的態度,常被視為騷擾。山達基另一項飽受爭論之處,在於其相信(Thetans)轉世,而且在靈魂生活在地球之前,曾經在別的星球上生活過。山達基以前的成員提到,賀伯特所寫下關於過去遙遠外星上所發生的事,現在含括於保密的高階層級中,直到這些成員繳付數千美元給山達基教會之後,才會對他們揭露此等事情。另一個山達基人飽受爭議的信念在於,他們相信精神科的施行手段深具破壞性,並且已被濫用,因而這些施行手段必須被廢止。山達基在台灣已被合法認定為可免除稅捐的宗教,於2014年獲頒行政院獎且獲內政部連續十年頒發全國績優宗教團體獎,但在先進國家如英國、加拿大、德國、法國、俄羅斯及中華人民共和國,山達基並沒有宗教地位而是營利組織。. [read more]
Ghost Investigations New Mexico is the only organization in New Mexico who is a TAPS family member. Founded in 1996. Andy Kompier - Co-Owner - Lead Investigator Steve Kompier -.. [read more]
The Southwest's Premier Boutique Medical Spa. Coming in June!. [read more]
Holistic & Alternative Healing Natural/Healing Balms, Salves, Lotions, Oils, & Handmade Jewelry made of natural stone @holtivstore #holtivstore. [read more]
We have dedicated ourselves to customer satisfaction by printing quality pressure sensitive labels for multiple applications and industries. We use cutting edge technology to provide unique.. [read more]
Mosaic Academy is a non-profit, public charter school in Aztec, New Mexico. With seven portables and nineteen staff members is a one of the public charters that led the way in Northwest New Mexico. [read more]
Computer Consultants, DemingPC, located at 800 E. Spruce St, Deming, New Mexico 88030. They can be contacted via phone at (888) 510-8616 for more detailed information. [read more]
USATF not- for profit youth running club in Albuquerque, NM offering Spring Track and Fall XC. . [read more]
Welcome to Flatlands Show Goats where our number one priority is providing you a quality show goat for you and your family! We hope you let us chase the banner with you in your child's show career!. [read more]
dip powder starter kits, including glitters, solid colors and mood changing dip powder!!. [read more]
Bonito Stables, located at 107 Forest Rd, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345. They can be contacted via phone at +15053542778 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ruidoso Land is a real estate agency, located at 1210 Mechem Dr, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345. They can be contacted via phone at (575) 258-2550 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ruidoso KFC is a restaurant, located at 331 Sudderth Dr, Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345. They can be contacted via phone at (575) 257-2119 for more detailed information. [read more]
Stogie Strap is a magnetic cigar holder that is lightweight so easy to take with you while golfing, boating, camping, etc. [read more]
An imminent distro that will be specializing in all that is counter culture, radical, herbal remedies, ideas--old and new--literary & horrific horror! #RESIST. [read more]
funky flirty and fun is about keeping up your mani pedis in this busy lifestyle we live in as women. [read more]
Joseph Galvan Studio specializes in the design and fabrication of optical acrylic (Lucite) sculptures and art furniture. Beginning in the LA area to his current home in Albuquerque, Joseph.. [read more]
Signal divorced fifteen years due to ex-wife lost interests in life and living it to the fullest. [read more]
all Jewelry is on $5 all jewelry is Lead and Nickel free. First you have to register with me then you can shop with me at: www. melissasbling5. commentsold. [read more]
START SUMMER RIGHT! The Liquid Muse presents New Mexico's ONLY mixology and culinary festival, May 29-31, 2020. Enjoy: TACO WARS, rooftop yoga, Mixology seminars, CHEF & SHAKER CHALLENGE,.. [read more]
McKinley County District Attorney Re-elect Paula E. James-Pakkala June 2, 2020. [read more]
© 2020 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC (‘MSSB’), member SIPC (www. sipc. org), reserves the right, to the extent permitted under applicable law, to retain and monitor all electronic communications. [read more]
Keep your stored items safe and secure at our facility located in Los Lunas, NM. Reserve, book, pay online or onsite at our fully automated Kiosk. Total security with gated access to our customers. [read more]
Envie Brows by Sabra provides custom permanent makeup for each client. Whether you want to save time, money, or boost your confidence let Envie Brows by Sabra take care of your permanent makeup needs. [read more]
Tai Gallery is an art gallery, located at 1601 Paseo De Peralta Ste B, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501. They can be contacted via phone at +15059841387 for more detailed information. [read more]
COURTYARD-Albuquerque Airport is a restaurant, located at 1920 Yale Blvd SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. They can be contacted via phone at +15058436600 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a body shop located in Artesia NM. We paint Semis and Do Body work on them. We do fiberglass work. We paint rims and Also paint cars and trucks. [read more]
One of the greatest gifts a person can receive is confidence – the sort of confidence to smile without self-consciousness or embarrassment. The sort of smile that opens doors socially.. [read more]
What was formally known as TanO2 is now Tahitian Bronze Tanning. . [read more]