
Carefully chosen reformed books and Christian resources. http://www.monergism.com.

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Monergism.com is a subsidiary of the Christian Publication Resource Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Portland, OR, which exists to aid in the growth and maturation of the worldwide Church by making available a wide array of free resources that support the historic, Reformed Christian faith, combat doctrinal error, and stir the flame of devotion which a right knowledge of the Savior must produce. It serves as a clearinghouse of electronic media addressing all aspects of the Christian faith from a historic, Reformed perspective; it is also a community weblog providing regular devotional and expositional thoughts which highlights various resources and ministries, with contributors from a variety of backgrounds who all share a solidarity in the Reformed faith.

1 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    21 December 2018

    God will judge and repay each person according to their works.

    This is not good news. Why? Because His judgment will require moral perfection of us, thus, no one on earth has even a remote hope of saving themselves. But Christ, who was without sin, fulfilled God's law and paid the full penalty of sin by His death on a cross for all He came to save ... those who trust in Him alone. That is good news.

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