I don't know if it comes from the bakery, but their flavored honey is awsome!!!! Especially the cinnamon flavor, but the lemon is really good in tea, and the raspberry is delicious! Oh it's all good!!
Late last year I joined as an observer the Cistercian Laity. They meet once a month (on a Saturday); info can be found on this website. When I started, there were about six or seven, including my wife. I remain the only new observer, except for one who joined last year and because of family obligations, had to leave, but she returned this year. My wife wanted to continue but now has breast cancer and is slowly dealing with her illness.
The members of the organization are wonderful people coming from all overone as far as UVAwhat a commitment. Most come from over 50 miles to this beautiful place.
We get to witness the monks praying one of the hours of the day. Like being in Heaven. One of the hours I am blessed to have a monk come and talk to us about humility. Of course, the order is all about humility. We follow the Rule of Benedict.
And so, my day at the Abbey begins at 10 and goes till 3:45pm. 1 hour and ten minutes to the abbey and another 1 or so to return home. I am so satisfied and can't wait to return.
Why not try the retreat they offerand don't forget the bookstore for great books. And a fruitcake and or truffles make nice gifts.
And if you are a single guy wanting a "ladder" to Heaven, check out the vocation link. You can go through a discernment process that will help you decide if being a monk is for you.
Well, I could go on about the Abbey. I would just add this last note. If you are like me, always going and or constantly doing somethingthen you need the Abbey to ground you. I hope you do go and then promise me you will tell your friends. God bless you.
fruitcake was wonderful,would buy again.
I knownobody likes fruitcake? I do. These are good and they are moist.