Photographer from Southern California and now based out of the amazing Indianapolis, Indiana! I love to bring someones vision to life through the camera. [read more]
Welcome to the page for CNG! We are the Compass Now Generation and we are ChaNGe. We are the church of today. We will change, but no one is left behind. [read more]
This page is for team members of Team Splinter, a group created for the annual "Strutt with your Mutt" 5k benefitting Wayside Animal Shelter. 100% of all participant fees and donations will.. [read more]
Cloud, data science, ETL, portals, automation, apps, and more. Buzzword bingo? No, it's just what we do. . [read more]
My goal is to find the natural beauty in everything, and to help you find your beauty! No matter the size, color, everyone is beautiful and I will help you realize that�. [read more]
OneSource Professional Writing, LLC supports nonprofit organizations in all phases of grant writing and review, and assists job seekers with online applications and resume and cover letter.. [read more]
We specialize in commercial janitorial services, commercial power washing, parking garage cleanings, disinfecting, and sterilizations. . [read more]
| Weddings | Family Portraits | Engagements | Senior Portraits | Special Events | Maternity | Photography for all needs and price ranges! PM me!. [read more]
Residential remodeling, cabinetry and handyman services in Missouri for Greene, Dallas and Polk counties. This page will highlight my recent works and tips for caring for your home. [read more]
The purpose of our project We Condition is to help you more and better understand and care of your little ones. To help you learn and implement the most effective and comprehensive information. [read more]
This page is going to serve as the Facebook portal for my photography/videography company, T3 Productions. . [read more]
Let me help you with your graphic design needs! From product branding to a invitation to a graduation party. No job is to big or to small. . [read more]
We do all types of land surveying. Farms, Subdivisions, homesites, topographical etc. . [read more]
Your favorite Precaster since 1957!!!. [read more]
44 Washington is coming soon! In Spring of 2020, this gorgeous new apartment complex, conveniently located between Country Club Plaza and Westport will welcome residents to your dream home!. [read more]
Tarot and astrology are both ancient practices of divine arts, calculating the ability to predict understanding of how the universe is working around something, be it a person, people,.. [read more]
It's simple: #1. PAID one Clean Coin along with your gift card (or you can apply for one Clean Coin on our app). #2. POST a picture or other record of the gift card or other form of pay.. [read more]
フルン湖(フルン-こ、呼倫湖、、、)は、中華人民共和国内蒙古自治区北東部フルンボイル市にある大きな淡水湖。モンゴル語でフルン・ノール(Хөлөн нуур)、あるいはダライ・ノール(Далай нуур、、)ともいう。湖の長さは約90キロメートル、幅は約30キロメートルで、面積は2,339平方キロメートル。内蒙古では最大、中国でも五本の指に入る大きな淡水湖である。水系フルン湖はフルンボイル(ホロンバイル)草原の只中にあり、モンゴル国東部から内蒙古へ向けて流れてくるヘルレン川が湖の南側に、中国・モンゴル国境の貝爾湖(ボイル・ノール)から流れてきた烏爾遜河(ウルソン川、オルチュン・ゴル)が湖の東側に注ぐ。フルンボイルという地名は、フルン・ノールとボイル・ノールの二つの湖に由来する。フルン湖の湖岸は平坦で石や砂に覆われている。フルン湖は通常は出口のない湖でヘルレン川は内陸水系になっているが、雨量の多い年にはフルン湖の北部から水があふれ、30キロメートル離れたエルグン川へ合流している。水深は、雨量にもよるが平均して6メートルから9メートルほどである。11月上旬には凍結し、5月初旬に氷が溶ける。氷の厚さは1メートル以上に達する。産業と環境古くから漁業が行われ、中国でも指折りの内陸漁業の盛んな湖である。1995年には年間水揚量は7,000トンほどであった。さらにエビが100トン、ザリガニが150万匹、真珠が4キログラム水揚げされた。また観光も盛んで、北京や上海などからの夏の旅行先にもなっている。観光の拠点となる、湖周辺で最大の街は満洲里市である。湖には魚などの水生生物のほか、ツルやハクチョウをはじめとする水鳥も多数生息する。フルン湖の環境を守るための取組みには、1986年に設けられたダライ湖自然保護区(達賚湖自然保護区)がある。これは1992年には国家級自然保護区に格上げされた。1994年3月29日にはモンゴル・中国・ロシアの三カ国の政府が、中国のダライ湖自然保護区、モンゴルのダウール自然保護区、ロシアのダウールスク自然保護区という隣接し合う自然保護区を合わせて「CMRダウール(達烏爾)国際自然保護区」を共同で設置することになった。2002年にはダライ湖自然保護区はユネスコの生物圏保護区に登録されている。. [read more]
Music is my passion, and adding value to others is my purpose. I hope something on this page helps you in some way. . [read more]
Over the past 7 yrs, I have served on Board for our City. With the recent passing of our late councilman, I have decided that now is the time to serve our neighbors in a larger capacity. [read more]
Selling tack and quality broke horses. . [read more]
Christian Non-Denominational, multi-cultural faith based, five fold ministry located in Kansas City. [read more]
Here at Precision Painting Services,LLC, we provide interior/exterior painting services along with pressure washing homes, staining deck amongst other services. [read more]
A digital media organization focusing on data-based investigative stories ─ reporting on democracy, bad governance, corruption & human rights violations. [read more]
Training and Education. [read more]
Landscape company offering retail and wholesale sales, sod farm, pick up delivery or installation, trees and shrubs, mulch, rock, and hardscapes. . [read more]
• Mission Statement • “To ensure the trust and loyalty of my valued clients by performing the honest, quality work—from estimation to completion—of every job. [read more]
Cabo Gilio, located at 613 SW Brome Dr, Grain Valley, Missouri 64029. [read more]
The Columbia Senior Center is located on 1121 Business Loop 70 East, Missouri 65203. We have a wonderful close-knit community of people who enjoy the company of others, and are eager to have.. [read more]
Medical & Health. [read more]
A Family's Future Heating & Cooling is here to service your HVAC. From cleaning to complete new install. Call today to set up your appointment. . [read more]
Tom Boland Ford, Inc. is proud to be your Hannibal Ford dealership of choice! You can find our new and used dealership on US 61 North at MO 168. At Tom Boland Ford, Inc. [read more]
Professional Tattoo Artist Tell me what do you have in you mind for Ink. I’m prefer consulting first !!!!All appointments, you need a deposit first. [read more]
We provide resources for unplanned pregnancies & educational support for the community. . [read more]
Mainstream is a business that handles several different services we offer residential and commercial cleaning, mobile notary and process service. . [read more]
Стекло высшего качества. [read more]