애로헤드 스타디움은 미국의 경기장이다. 미국에서 네번째로 큰 미식축구 경기장이다. 2007년 3억 7천 5백만 달러를 들여 보수공사를 시작해 2010년 끝마쳤다. 1996년부터 2007년까지 캔자스시티 위저즈의 홈구장이었다. 현재는 NFL팀 캔자스시티 치프스의 홈구장이다. [read more]
Cinema 4 Movie Line is a movie theater, located at 800 E Aldrich Rd, Bolivar, Missouri 65613. They can be contacted via phone at +14177777469 for more detailed information. [read more]
Keller Plaza Cinema is a movie theater, located at 4572 Lemay Ferry Rd, St. Louis, Missouri 63129. They can be contacted via phone at +13148452900 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal Kansas City Stadium 18 is a movie theater, located at 3200 Ameristar Dr, Kansas City, Missouri 64161. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 252 for more detailed information. [read more]
Six Flags St. Louis, formerly Six Flags Over Mid-America, is a theme park located in Eureka, Missouri. The park opened on June 5, 1971 and features seven themed areas as well as numerous.. [read more]
The Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre is a 7,000-seat outdoor concert venue, with lawn seating for another 13,000, making it a 20,000 person capacity venue. [read more]
AMC Showplace Farmington 4 is a movie theater, located at 838 Valley Creek Dr, Farmington, Missouri 63640. They can be contacted via phone at (573) 756-4429 for more detailed information. [read more]
AMC Showplace Poplar Bluff 8 is a movie theater, located at 3525 S Westwood Blvd, Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901. They can be contacted via phone at (573) 776-7612 for more detailed information. [read more]
The Muny, or the Municipal Opera Association of St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, is a not-for-profit municipally-owned outdoor theatre, the largest in the United States. [read more]
Regal College Station Stadium 14 is a movie theater, located at 415 W College St, Springfield, Missouri 65806. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 1516 for more detailed information. [read more]
カンザスシティ・ミュニシパル・スタジアム は、アメリカ合衆国ミズーリ州カンザスシティにかつて存在したスタジアム。MLBのカンザスシティ・アスレチックス(現オークランド・アスレチックスが1955年から1967年まで、カンザスシティ・ロイヤルズが1969年から1972年まで、NFLのカンザスシティ・チーフスが1963年から1971年まで本拠地にしていた。元々はマイナーリーグのカンザスシティ・ブルースの本拠地球場だったため、こぢんまりした球場だった。1954年のシーズンオフにアスレチックスがフィラデルフィアからカンザスシティに移転してくると、客席を2層にするなど改修を行い、大リーグの公式戦を開催できるよう設備を整えた。また1962年にはAFL(今のNFL・AFCの前身)のダラス・テキサンズがカンザスシティに移転してきたため、野球とアメリカンフットボールの兼用球場に再改修された。しかし球場の老朽化が進んだため、1967年には野球とアメフトそれぞれの専用球場を建設することが決定した。ミュニシパル・スタジアムは1976年に取り壊され、現在、跡地は公園になっている。主要な出来事野球 1947年7月10日、クリーブランド・インディアンスのドン・ブラックがノーヒットノーランを達成した(インディアンス 3 - 0 アスレチックス)。 1960年7月11日、オールスターゲーム第1戦を開催(ナ 5 - 3 ア)。 1965年9月8日、バート・キャンパネリスが1試合で全守備位置についた。大リーグ史上初の記録。. [read more]
St. Charles Stadium 18 Cine is a movie theater, located at 1830 S 1st Capitol Dr, St. Charles, Missouri 63303. They can be contacted via phone at (636) 946-1862 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pierponts Restaurant is a movie theater, located at 30 W Pershing Rd, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. They can be contacted via phone at +18162215111 for more detailed information. [read more]
Regal Gravois Bluffs Stadium 12 is a movie theater, located at 754 Gravois Bluffs Blvd, Fenton, Missouri 63026. They can be contacted via phone at (844) 462-7342 Ext 1785 for more.. [read more]
The Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts is a performing arts center in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, USA, at 16th and Broadway, near the Power & Light District, the Sprint Center and.. [read more]
The Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis is an art museum for contemporary art, located in St. Louis, in the U. S. state of Missouri. It is usually called CAM St. [read more]
The University of Missouri–St. Louis (UMSL) is public research university located in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Established in 1963, it is one of four universities in the University.. [read more]
LoopJazz books live Jazz at the Premier Lounge. We have local artist as well as international talent sit in occasionally. We want to provide choice. . [read more]
Six Flags St. Louis (antes llamado Six Flags Over Mid-America) es un parque temático que se encuentra en Eureka, Misuri. El parque fue abierto el 5 de junio de 1971 y consta de 40.. [read more]
0025 Amc Bar Ward Park is a movie theater, located at 8600 Ward Pkwy Ste 14, Kansas City, Missouri 64114. They can be contacted via phone at +18163331300 for more detailed information. [read more]
Starlight Theatre is a 7,958-seat outdoor theatre in Kansas City, Missouri, United States that presents Broadway shows and concerts. It is one of the two major remaining self-producing.. [read more]
The Mainstreet Theater, also commonly referred to as The Empire Theater, is a historic theater at 1400 Main Street in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The theater was landmarked and placed on.. [read more]
Films, Literature and Art. [read more]
Ritz 7 Movie is a movie theater, located at 925 S Jefferson Ave, Lebanon, Missouri 65536. They can be contacted via phone at +14175889724 for more detailed information. [read more]
ユニバーシティ・オブ・フェニックス・スタジアム(University of.. [read more]
The Saint Louis Science Center, founded as a planetarium in 1963, is a collection of buildings including a science museum and planetarium in St. Louis, Missouri, on the southeastern corner of.. [read more]
The Landers Theatre in Springfield, Missouri, built in 1909, is the second oldest and largest civic theater operation in Missouri. It has been in continuous use either as a legitimate theatre or.. [read more]
Indepedence Amc Movie Theater is a movie theater, located at 19200 E 39th St S, Independence, Missouri 64057. They can be contacted via phone at (816) 795-1430 for more detailed information. [read more]
Non sai he film vedere stasera? Gli esperti cinefili de "Il Filmometro" sapranno darti la dritta giusta in base al tuo mood di oggi!. [read more]
Hollywood Theatre College Station is a movie theater, located at 415 W College St, Springfield, Missouri 65806. They can be contacted via phone at +14177993456 for more detailed information. [read more]
부시 스타디움은 미국 미주리 주 세인트루이스에 위치한 세인트루이스 카디널스의 홈구장이다. 2006년에 개장하였으며, 수용인원은 4만6861명이다. 좌우펜스 길이 102m, 중앙펜스길이 122m이며, 필드는 천연잔디로 되어있다. 같이 보기 대한민국의 야구장 목록 일본의 야구장 목록 대만의 야구장 목록 미국의 야구장 목록. [read more]
The Orpheum Theater in St. Louis, Missouri is a Beaux-Arts style theater, built in 1917. It was constructed by local self-made millionaire Louis A. Cella and designed by architect Albert Lansburgh. [read more]
Sullivan 6 Cinema is a movie theater, located at 3001 N Service Rd W, Sullivan, Missouri 63080. They can be contacted via phone at (573) 860-7469 for more detailed information. [read more]