
Tags : #Health, #PointOfInterest, #Establishment

Location :
3077 N Mayfair Rd suite 300, Milwaukee, WI 53222, USA

Opening Hours

  • Monday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    12 November 2023

    I thought this school was great at first, but they over charge for the vet tech program because there is no where else to go around here. It is very unorganized and I wouldn't even consider it a college. People shouldn't be forced to pay triple the amount that the program costs at every other community college because it is the only one around here.

  • Anynomous
    08 September 2023

    I personally had a horrible experience and would never recommend this school to anyone.
    They pull you in with empty promises such as job placement.
    They have Instructors that are not certified to be teaching but can teach because they passed the course themselves.
    Waste of time, not a lot of hands on work. I learned more in my 6 weeks of externship then I did the WHOLE time I attended this school.

  • Anynomous
    22 April 2023

    I decided to attend this school because I was interested in becoming a dental assistant. Everything sounded great and promising but in reality its not. If I have known that in the state of Wisconsin that you don't need to be certified or go to school to become a dental assistant I would have never done so. I have come across many assistants and NONE of them have been to school for the position. During my 8 months at this school, we were buckled down with LOTS of HOMEWORK!! The program should really FOCUS on hands on CLINICAL PROCEDURES vs book work because DOCTORS ONLY CARE ABOUT EXPERIENCE not book work. My externship site was really nice compared to my fellow classmates sites but I feel like I over achieved for absolutely nothing. They did not hire me on and decided to go behind my back to hire someone that fit their "mold" (polish, blond hair& blue eyes) of a dental assistant .and guess what, that person no longer works for them smh. I could not find a job as a dental assistant because everybody wanted someone with more experience and they thought that it was suspicious that my externship did not hire me. So 3 months later, I had to resort to working for a shady dental office that hires ANYBODY just to gain this so called experience. Problem is I'm not a real dental assistant just a body that takes X-rays all day. I'm trying to find work at small dental offices but they want people with actual skills. I am screwed!! I want to go back to school but feel like it's a waste of time and my CREDITS from this school WILL NOT TRANSFER over to other schools. My advice to you is to do your research. Find out if you need to go to school for the career your interested in. I wasted so much time, energy, and hope for this program for nothing.

  • Anynomous
    26 January 2024

    I am a surgical tech student and I have absolutely enjoyed my time here. I started in june 2016. -Ms Amy is the best college teacher I have ever had and same with Mrs. Buckley. I look forward to coming here eveyday. Even on my bad days this place always makes them better. I can't wait till my externship, I don't understand how anyone could not like this place.

  • Anynomous
    07 December 2023

    I Hate This School. I started at MCC when the Veterinary Assistant/Technician program just began. While in school, we did not have agreements with any animal shelters, etc. Therefore, no pets. The school was asking the STAFF to bring in their own animals to be evaluated for exams, blood draws, etc. Are you kidding me? While letting the animals walk around or go to the bathroom, one got loose and was hit by a car and died. Meaning, an EMPLOYEES dog was killed while I was in class. There were all sorts of rumors flying around, but all I know is that the safety of the pets was not taken into consideration and a innocent animal was hit by a car because of their illegal practices. DO NOT GO HERE - this is the worst school in Milwaukee, and should be shut down just like EVEREST and ITT Tech!!!

  • Anynomous
    25 July 2023

    Can I just point out that half of the people on here that are complaining about the school can't even be bothered to spell correctly... Maybe that shows what kind of student they were. It's an accelerated course system. One day = one to two weeks. Suck it up buttercup or at least read what you got yourself into.

  • Anynomous
    03 March 2024

    I regret going to this school. I had great expansions since my friend recommend me to go and had a wonderful experience. But not the same can be said in my part. I took a tour of the school they promise safety for there students and hands on training. Once I became a student, teachers pile homework.....math they need better teachers who know what they are teaching (miss.b). Miss.b did not know how to keep her personal life out of school. Always taking about how she had anger issues and like to brake things with her hammer. She would come to are class to talk to miss.z about her husband is cheating on her... My teacher miss.z would constantly tell me "I don't see how you will graduate." Even tell me "it's probably better off dropping out." My internship was horrible. I am disappointed with the staff that did not worry about my safety when doing my clinicals. The first location they sent me was discussing. Miss.Z worried me of a student that she is GHETTO and loud if there was problems to tell her and she'll relocate me. I when there and I'll I seen was CROSS CONTAMINATION, the doctor would be doing a procedures and leave the room to go to the office and leave the instruments at the office. Which was the front desk. I would file folders and he would touch folders with duty even bloody gloves on. I asked my my teacher Ms.z and the only thing she said was "WHY DIDNT I TAKE INITIATIVE AND PUT IT IN THE INSTRUMENTS TO STERILIZE" I asked to get relocated worker and my teacher said it would be hard to find a new location and that I already signed the paper to go there. That left me to deal with it. A worker there was a students from M.C.C she is GHETTO. Since I got there she would tell me "they must of not liked you if you got sent here. Only black or ghetto girls come here. Or they want you to fail) even though she was not professional I never had an issue with her. Until she stole my ipad, yelling at me with racial slurs. Went to my face and wanted to fight me. The doctor didn't do anything. I went directly to my school and complained they seemed more worried about my ipad being stolen then my safety. They did what every they could to get it back called there IT tech guy even called icloud. I never got it back. Once I graduated and got a job because the school does not help you get a job as they say. They found out where I was working and talked to my boss and send them papers to get credit as if they got me my job. I asked them to stop I was not going to sign the papers that they got me MY JOB. And they still send letters to my boss so he could sign it. As proffered I got a job of the help off Milwaukee career college. I wish I would of gone to M.A.T.C less expensive and way more hands on. $13,000 to go to Milwaukee career college and I'm not even certified. Don't wast your money nor your time.

  • Anynomous
    06 February 2024

    At first things were great and I thought I found the perfect school all of my instructor seemed nice, but did that make school worth it? NO, the problems didn't start until externship and boy was it a struggle. Now I can't say what goes on with the dental, veterinary or the new surgical tech programs, but I will say the Medical assistant program for the most part throws students wherever, they give you a sheet to fill out to say where you'd like to do externship adding that there is NO guarantee that you will get the site you wanted which can happen, BUT they don't even attempt to find a good site they just find a spot they've used before and said "here's your site" which is usually a place that nobody wants to work at and can only get students and recent grad with nobody else wanting to hire them it was like the school was saying F*** YOU Students!. I asked for Aurora, St Mary's, or children's and my first site was a run down, dump of a cardiology clinic with a bad preceptor who threw me out due to my attitude (you can imagine Why)and my second site was marginally better but it had rude staff and treated me like a slave rather than an extern. I gets worse the instructor who was responsible for the externs didn't make things any better because instead of getting a good second site, she just gave me another crummy site that was slightly better and only 2 or 3 people in my class liked their sites everyone else was saying things like it is too busy, its too quiet, the staff is rude, the specialty isn't for me, it's just not great. One student got the pro care on Lincoln ave and the instructor said the site was bad from her experience there with her daughter, yah here's my question if you thought it was bad with your kid as a patient there, WHY ARE YOU SENDING STUDENTS THERE? I mean shouldn't you try and avoid sending students there? and the worst part of all I NEVER found a job nobody wanted to hire me so bye bye $12,000, self esteem, and free time, soon I will be attending MATC for phlebotomy because I learned very little phlebotomy to the point where if I applied for phlebotomy jobs now, id look like an idiot THANKS FOR NOTHING MCC