This is the spot for all your work gear needs. Best work boot selection around and in sizes that are hard to get.
Needed boots and asked questions and found that they didn't have any one with real good knowledge on the boots I wanted. The staff was polite and nice.
Good locally owned clothing store. They have all the top brands including sneakers. They have an outdoors store next to the clothing and shoe store that carries work gear like boots, Carhartt jackets/pants, gloves, and glasses.
I went there looking to purchase new snow boots, new work shoes and some new sneakers. I only ended up purchasing one of those because no one asked me if I could be helped. I was walked past 3 times by the same girl who never once said "I will help you shortly, or hold on one second" She didn't even seem to want to make eye contact with meeventually I found someone who seemed like they didn't want to really be bothered by my asking for assistance but I needed to get back to work. I felt like I was bothering these people which no customers should ever feel like. I understand everyone has bad days but it really seemed like no one was happy they were there. I love mickey Finns and I'm sad about my experience especially because things are expensive there so customers should feel like they are welcomednot like they're being avoided at all costs and a nuisance.
I found what i was looking for easily, the store was clean and merchandise is always good quality, however the service from the associate at the register wasn't to good. She never greeted me just started ringing my items, told me the amount, took my money and said have a good night. The whole while she was chatting with the other cashier smh..
Very poor service..
Love my shirt I purchased..
Fake shoes shoes that are already dirty that are supposed to be" brand new" racist employees dont not go to this place if u are not white
Family owned, prices are average to good and they have at less 10 different work boots made in USA.
The best prices in the state even better than Bob's and real good service
They have been around for years, and still carrying great stuff Thanks Scott
I struggle to find work boots for women. They had several choices and options in stock for me to try on!The employees were all helpful and attentive. Thank you! You will be my first (and probably only stop) from now on!! I love my new boots!!
Great shoe selection. Sperry Topsiders and more in nice variety of styles, colors, and sizes. Very helpful and friendly staff.
Long time customer, great people, locally owned and excellent prices on a wide selection of clothing & footwear
Good selection. Prices are decent.
Got a great pair of boots and some very nice work pants for a fantastic price. Very good selection.
LOVE THIS PLACE!! The most AMAZING deals on outdoor sportswear, equipment, and shoes. Expansive collection of men's hiking and outdoor shoes at really low prices (located in the 2nd building). The Keen collection alone is impressive. Women's hiking shoes have a much smaller selection, but there are some great finds. Quality products and name brand items (North Face, Patagonia) at prices you can't beat. If you are an outdoor enthusiast like myself, RUN HERE! :)