
Mexicocina prides itself as a homemade cooking style Mexican restaurant. Come check out our trademark dish, the Mexicocina taco.

Tags : #MexicanRestaurant

Location :
503 Jackson Ave (E 147 St), Bronx, NY 10455


Time Zone: America/New_York
Price: $$
Reservations: No
Credit Cards: Yes
Outdoor Seating: No
Breakfast: Breakfast
Brunch: Brunch
Lunch: Lunch
Dinner: Dinner
Cocktails: Cocktails

2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    23 February 2024

    A hidden treasure in the BX...food is always on point and very inexpensive.

  • Anynomous
    20 June 2023

    So far everything I've had is excellent. The guacamole has me coming back all the time.