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Meta Tauta Ministries


Meta Tauta Ministries. Visit their website rllministries.org for more detailed information.

Metta Tauta Ministries is a page that connects current world news to Biblical end-time prophesy. The second coming of Jesus Christ is nearer than most people think.

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization, #Establishment

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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


All references to end-time prophecy are linked to the website at http://rllministries.org/default.aspx. This site provides succinct studies of all books of the Bible including prophecy relevant for our time. Many end-time prophecies were given by John the Apostle in the book of Revelation. While most references are made to the book of Revelation, some posts may include prophecies from Daniel, Ezekiel and other prophets.

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