We are a design studio from Portland, Oregon. Founder Joe Mendonca has provided graphic and web design services since 1998.
If you took a trusty piece of notepad paper and and a pen, and were asked to write your business message in that simple format – What would it look like? Does your print and web presence give that same message? We translate what you are doing into visual form and function.
Our strong belief is that, “It is better to understand, before being understood.” We keep our ears to the pavement and do the in depth research necessary for understanding your market. In addition, detailed information such as Search Engine Optimization and social media platforms require a lot of technical brainstorming and strategy. We do all of it and more for you.
We provide a diverse knowledge of user experience, marketing aesthetics and over a decade of designing for our clients. We also like to think of those who we work with as our friends. We want to get behind what your are doing, and give you the resources to achieve all that you can. We want results, and that is our focus.
Our services cover a broad range of graphic and web design needs. For the past four years we have primarily set websites up on WordPress as a Content Management System. We have developed over 300 WordPress based sites, including the launch of a 64-site network.
We have worked with anyone from BBC Radio DJs to managing over 35o active sites at once. We have an extensive background in CSS, HTML, PHP and can also assist in setting your site up for mobile devices.
We develop corporate branding, give businesses face lifts, and can create any visual material. From logos to layouts, our work has equipped businesses from local shops to Wall Street investors to national magazine editorials.
We would love to hear from you and hope to help with all of your creative needs.
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