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Art Gallery

Measure for Measure Theatre


Measure for Measure Theatre is an art gallery. They can be contacted via phone at (954) 747-4646, visit their website www.measureformeasuretheatre.com for more detailed information.

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Tags : #PerformanceArtTheatre, #TheatricalProductions, #Establishment

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Added by Jopie, at 20 April 2019


Measure for Measure, is a theatrical company dedicated to presenting professional productions to the South Florida community operated by The Muse Arts Production, LLC. We believe theatre is crucial for both the performer and audience to gaining awareness of self and the world around us. As Augusto Boal said, "Theatre is the art of looking at ourselves." We push our performers to demonstrate the most vulnerable realities of being human. Measure for Measure is dedicated to producing shows that open a dialogue and promote change.

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8 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    18 May 2019

    Wow! One year ago today! This production started it all for us. We are so grateful to our entire cast, crew, and musicians that made this happen and to everyone who supported us and got to see the show. Thank you all! Now we have a home and a big season to come. Onwards and upwards!

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  • Anynomous
    13 May 2019

    Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there! 💐

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2019

    Auditions for In The Heights (October 24th-November 10th, 2019), Island Song (March 13th-29th, 2020), and Pippin (April 23rd-May 10th)

    PAID and Non-Equity

    Sign ups available at measureformeasuretheatre.com

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2019

    Sign up for auditions at measureformeasuretheatre.com

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  • Anynomous
    08 May 2019

    Our official 2019-2020 Season Announcement is out!

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  • Anynomous
    05 May 2019

    Here’s our BIG NEWS! We are now officially the resident theatre company at the Sunrise Civic Center Theatre! We are so excited to embark on this journey! We want extend a HUGE thank you to the Sunrise Civic Center and all of our followers and patrons. None of this would be possible without YOU! Get ready for another amazing season and more announcements SOON! Sunrise Civic Center Theatre

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  • Anynomous
    29 April 2019

    Thank you to everyone who supported us and came out to see Murder Ballad!! We are beyond humbled by our incredible cast, band, crew and audience. There’s more to come very soon!

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  • Anynomous
    27 April 2019

    “Lust, anger and anguish pour out of urban millennials like molten liquid gushing from an open fire hydrant in the new production of the chamber rock opera Murder Ballad at the Broward Center”

    Murder Ballad runs through this Sunday the 28th. Don’t miss our incredible cast! Support your local fellow artists! Industry rate $25!

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