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Meadowgate Equine Rescue is located at Chaffee Creek Rd, Newfield, New York 14867. They can be contacted via phone at (607) 216-2572, visit their website www.nyhorserescue.org for more detailed information.

Meadowgate in a non-profit organization that rescues abused and neglected horses.

Tags : #NonprofitOrganization, #PublicGovernmentService, #AnimalShelter, #Public&GovernmentService

Location :
Chaffee Creek Rd, Newfield, New York 14867
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020


Meadowgate was established to stand in the gap for those that can not stand for themselves. We are entering our tenth year of rescuing abused and neglected horses. The need for this type of rescue was found to be very high after the Founder researched and communicated with law enforcement agencies, veterinarians, and farriers around the state, as well as other rescue organizations nationwide. As we work with cruelty investigators we understand that our mission is a commitment not to be taken lightly. To date we have been notified in regards to over 750 horses that have been in a questionable situation. We help those that we can. We are not receiving grants of any kind but rely on the dedication of others to help us monetarily in daily operational costs, medical bills, and the nutritional needs of those that come to our facility. Our goal is to bring them back to a healthy status and see if they can be placed in a safe and secure home. Many of our horses have been happily adopted. In addition to rescuing horses we have found that they have a mission of their own...they are really angels in horse hair. We have opened our doors to a program that was developed by the Founder that mentors youth called Ponderosa Pals. We have extended parts of that program to youth between the ages of 8-11 for a Summer Enrichment program called Horses & More. For info on these programs please see our website. www.nyhorserescue.net. As we continue with our rescue work many lives have been changed in the process...horses, volunteers, and several families. We continue to make "Tears Disappear"!

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