Don’t be a girl playing sports because in less you’re the coachs favorite you will not get to play or even get to practice with the team I watch both my daughters go through it five years apart they weren’t even in high school together one played softball one played flag football and I watch them both sit out because they weren’t the coaches Pet!
Its pretty cool but not that cool but still cool
Best high school in Flagler County. Education is second to none and the teachers are caring and genuine.
Class of 2012!!!
I really enjoyed my time here at Matanzas High School.
I had excellent teachers and met some great people.
Most of the teachers I had I could definitely say were passionate about what they do and have helped shape who I am today, forgive me for spelling but, Mr. Schmidli, Mr. Murphy, Ms. Lavaglio, Ms. Nahirney, Ms. Nix, Mr. Favallie, and Ms. Trimmer thank you for being great!
Overall this school is clean, the staff is helpful, and their are many opportunities to be found within these walls.
Local school, nice property. New traffic pattern.
Excellent high school with amazing staff and super talented students.
I saw a YouTube Video about vampires at this school I would to go to this school
People actually like me
lol thats a lie
i need subs
Vary good school i learned a lot from the school little bit bad teacher but good school to go to
The school is OK. Don't procrastinate!! the Food is really BAD!!!!
The school is wonderful, but the food at lunch is awful.