"We are all Patriots" Stand with us in Brady's Corner, section 115, Gillette Stadium. . [read more]
Soccer - U. K. Football, USA Soccer, South American Soccer team matches. . [read more]
Golf. [read more]
WA Football. [read more]
Cape Cod Coliseum was a 7,200-seat multi-purpose arena located off of White's Path in South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. In addition to sporting events, the coliseum hosted rock concerts. [read more]
666. [read more]
We manage client services for the Red Sox's EMC Club, State Street Pavilion Club, Dugout Seats and Suites. . [read more]
Regattabar at The Charles Hotel is a stadium, located at 1 Bennett St, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. They can be contacted via phone at +16173957757 for more detailed information. [read more]
Soldiers Field Soccer Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium located on the campus of Harvard University in the Allston neighborhood of Boston. (Although the core of the Harvard campus is in.. [read more]
Sunnymede Disc Golf Park is a privately owned Dosc Golf course located in Middleborough, MA. It's planned opening is Spring 2017 (or sooner). . [read more]
Стадион Фоксборо, — существовавший с 1971-го по 2002-й год в Фоксборо стадион, на котором проходили футбольные матчи и матчи по американскому футболу. [read more]
WestFit Tennis is a state of the art, program driven sports specific club dedicated to providing its members with superior facilities and service. . [read more]
Foxboro Stadium, originally Schaefer Stadium and later Sullivan Stadium, was an outdoor stadium located in Foxborough, Massachusetts, United States. It opened in 1971 and served as the home of.. [read more]
Robert J Cooney Athletic Field is a stadium, located at 98 Newbury St, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915. [read more]
Algonquin Regional High School is a public high school located in Northborough, Massachusetts. The school serves the students of the Northborough-Southborough Regional School District.. [read more]
Boston Garden was an arena in Boston, United States. Designed by boxing promoter Tex Rickard, who also built the third iteration of New York's Madison Square Garden, it opened on November 17, 1928.. [read more]
We are a gaming center in the heart of North Andover. We provide a location for gamers to play PC games, console games and board/card games!. [read more]
Bill Dunn’s Tennis School offers daily programs that include instruction, stroke improvement and development and competitive play ages 5-18. . [read more]
O'Keefe Center is a stadium, located at 225 Canal St, Salem, Massachusetts 01970. They can be contacted via phone at +19785426560 for more detailed information. [read more]
Maynard Paintball / Boston Paintball Outdoor is a stadium, located at 1 Tavern Cir, Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776. They can be contacted via phone at +19782631277 for more detailed information. [read more]
Fort Hill is a 0. 4 square mile neighborhood and historic district of Roxbury, in Boston, Massachusetts. The approximate boundaries of Fort Hill are Malcolm X Boulevard on the north,.. [read more]
Offering private hitting lessons for baseball and softball. . [read more]
Raynham Youth Baseball Fields is a stadium, located at 701 Pleasant St, Raynham, Massachusetts 02767. [read more]
Weston Field Athletic Complex is a Williams College facility and home of the Williams Ephs football team in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Although primarily used for American football, the.. [read more]
Leominster Box Lacrosse League is a summer Box Lacrosse League open to girls and boys ages 6-17. The games will be played at a local Dek Hockey center starting mid July 2013. [read more]
Fenway Park is a baseball park located in Boston, Massachusetts at 4 Yawkey Way near Kenmore Square. Since 1912, it has been the home for the Boston Red Sox, the city's American League baseball.. [read more]
Cutting Field-Sudbury is a stadium, located at 429 Maynard Rd, Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776. [read more]
Das DCU Center ist eine Mehrzweckarena in Worcester, Massachusetts. Das DCU Center, das im Besitz der Stadt ist, erhielt 2004 durch den Verkauf der Namensrechte an die Digital Federal Credit.. [read more]
Gillette Stadium is a stadium located in Foxborough, Massachusetts, 28mi southwest of downtown Boston and 20mi northeast of downtown Providence, Rhode Island. [read more]
We offer professional tennis instruction and off-court cross training for all tennis players. Beginner, intermediate and advanced classes are offered. [read more]
Armenian Heritage Park is a memorial park dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide located on Parcel 13 on the Rose Kennedy Greenway between Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Christopher.. [read more]
Westfield State University Alumni Field is a stadium, located at 395 Western Ave, Westfield, Massachusetts. They can be contacted via phone at (413) 572-8204 for more detailed information. [read more]
ボストン・ガーデン(Boston Garden)は、マサチューセッツ州ボストン市にあったスポーツ施設。歴史1928年にボクシング界の大物プロモーターだったテックス・リカードによって設計・建造された。当初の名称はボストン・マディソン・スクエア・ガーデン。新しいスポーツ施設であるフリートセンターが完成した2年後の1997年に取り壊された。ボストン地域交通網の通勤電車とアムトラックの駅であるノース・ステーションの上にあった。60年以上の間、ボストン・セルティックスとボストン・ブルーインズの本拠地であった。ロックコンサートや様々なアマチュア競技の会場、サーカスやアイスショーの会場であった。また、ボクシングやプロレスの試合会場としても使われていた。また、政党の集会会場としても使われ、1960年11月には大統領選に勝利したジョン・F・ケネディがボストン・ガーデンで演説を行っている。ガーデンの特徴の1つに大恐慌中に建設費の削減を狙って作られた、廃材を利用した寄木細工の床がある。でこぼこでボールが不規則に跳ね返るこの床は元々は、ボストン・アリーナの一部であり、1952年にボストン・ガーデンに移された。フリートセンターの完成に伴い、床は新しいものに換えられたが、以前のガーデン時代と同じような寄木細工模様のものが新アリーナでも使用されている。特徴・名勝負などこのアリーナを有名にしたのは何といってもボストン・セルティックスが1960年代にNBA8連覇を達成したこと、そして1980年代、マジック・ジョンソン率いるロサンゼルス・レイカーズとラリー・バード率いるボストン・セルティックスとの対決の舞台となったことであろう。1928年に建てられたこのアリーナは1970年代から既にNBA最古のアリーナであったが、セルティックスの選手達とその元コーチでありその後ゼネラル・マネージャーに就任していたレッド・アワーバックは本拠地のその古さを逆に「地の利」として生かす戦術をとった。寄木細工のフロアは痛みが激しく、木材の厚みが均一でないためイレギュラー・バウンドが非常に多いばかりか、コートの端にはドリブルを突いてもボールが跳ね返ってこない場所も何カ所かあった。セルティックスの選手たちはそうした場所に相手を誘い込んでターンノーバーを誘発させることをよくやったという。また、ロッカールームが狭くて汚いことでも有名で、エアコンやシャワーが壊れていることも多かった。. [read more]
Manchester Athletic Club (MAC) Tennis, located in Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA, offers tennis programming for the entire family. With 11 year-round tennis courts and an additional 9 seasonal.. [read more]
The TRACK at new balance: a World Class multi-purpose facility providing opportunities and serving the needs of participants at all levels. [read more]