Truly great interior design should reflect the clients’ individuality. . [read more]
Fill Me Up Food Truck Fills You Up with our smoked Comfort Italian food combining BBQ with Italian style cooking made with fresh local ingredients. . [read more]
Capertown Kitchens is a family owned kitchen and bathroom design firm celebrating our 27th year in business. . [read more]
Impact Entertainment is the best choice for your event. With 15+ years combined experience and top of the line equipment, Impact does it right. . [read more]
True Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Needham. We just opened. Invite your friends and family to the web site http://www. trueartgalleries. com. [read more]
Our home. . [read more]
New England provides high quality custom designed boat lettering. . [read more]
プリマス・ロック(Plymouth Rock)とは、いわゆる「巡礼始祖(ピルグリム)」が、1620年にメイフラワー号からプリマス(現在のマサチューセッツ州東岸)に上陸した際、最初に踏んだとされる岩。アメリカ合衆国についての著作で知られるアレクシス・ド・トクヴィルも、この岩についての言及を残している。概要プリマス・ロックについての記述は、17世紀の史料上見いだすことができない。例えば、プリマス植民地の総督であったウィリアム・ブラッドフォードも、自らの年代記においてこの岩について言及を残していない。1741年、エルダー・トマス・フォーンスという老人の証言によって、「プリマス・ロック」がピルグリムが最初に踏みしめた岩だとされた。当時94歳だったとされるフォーンスがプリマス植民における初期の世代であったことと、それらしき岩が周囲に見当たらなかったことから、高い信憑性をもってこの話が人々に受け入れられた。アメリカ独立戦争の勃発直前である1774年、海面に突出していたこの岩を引き揚げて市広場に設置する試みが、実施に移された。しかし、力ずくで引っ張ったために岩の上部が割れてしまい、その上部のみを市広場に置くことになった。1834年には、岩は「ピルグリム・ホール」へと移転し、1880年には再び海岸へと戻された。この際、「1620」という数字が刻まれることになった。いわば神話としての「アメリカ史」に大きく寄与した岩であるが、単なる岩が1つあるだけなので、白人にとって記念すべきこの岩は、インディアンにとっては侵略と民族浄化の象徴である。1970年の「ピルグリム・ファーザーズ上陸350周年記念の日」には、全米最大のインディアン権利団体「アメリカインディアン運動(AIM)」のインディアン活動家のラッセル・ミーンズらがメイフラワー2世号のマストにAIMの旗を掲げ、「プリマス・ロック」をトラック1台分の土砂で埋めてみせるという抗議行動を行った。外部リンクプリマス・ロック参考文献大西直樹 『ピルグリム・ファーザーズという神話』 講談社選書メチエ、1998年. [read more]
Mowing-Hedges-Bushes Spring and fall clean ups Residential and Business Free Local Estimates Snow Plowing during winter months. [read more]
Financial Advisor, Vice President at Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. [read more]
I have a passion for real estate and love helping my clients find their new home!!. [read more]
There is nothing better than staying warm by a fireplace during the cold winter days. Having a well functioning fireplace has many benefits, the warmth, the smell and the convenience of not having.. [read more]
Bromberg & Sunstein is a lawyer, located at 125 Summer St Ste 1100, Boston, Massachusetts 02110. They can be contacted via phone at +16174439292 for more detailed information. [read more]
Sunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers, located at 1 Summer St, Boston, Massachusetts 02110. They can be contacted via phone at (617) 692-2200 for more detailed information. [read more]
Music classes for young children and the grownups who love them. Classes offered in Medford, Billerica and Lincoln, MA. . [read more]
This is the Facebook page for Queen’s Royal Cleaning Company. . [read more]
Rabbi Shimon Miara has been an expert mohel for nearly thirty years. He has conducted Brit Milah (Jewish ritual circumcision) in the greater Boston area. [read more]
We provide a clean and safe indoor/outdoor dog care facility that includes one of the South Shore’s largest play area for hours of activity. Pet Grooming. [read more]
I have 20 years experience to do landscaping and handyman jobs. [read more]
Wound care and high risk diabetic foot care, heel pain, foot infections, diabetic ulcerations, foot pain are our special expertise. . [read more]
~Turning moments into memories~. [read more]
Located in New Bedford, Massachusetts, New England Generators is an authorized dealer of Honda generators and pumps. . [read more]
Theological reflections on sustainable living for small farms. [read more]
Tactical-Moves, located at 639 Country Way, Scituate, Massachusetts 02066. They can be contacted via phone at (617) 858-5802 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pabu Boston is a restaurant, located at 1 Franklin St, Boston, Massachusetts 02110. They can be contacted via phone at +18579570658 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a local cultural council who relies on conversations and brainstorming to bring new ideas to our town. . [read more]
Welcome to the Facebook Page of the Health Department of Walpole, Massachusetts - Keeping your cursor on the pulse of Walpole health!. [read more]
The Walpole Times is a weekly newspaper based in Walpole, Mass. . [read more]
Selling quality reproduction Indian motorcycle parts and memorabilia. . [read more]
Stars and Moon Music School specializes in private music instruction for a range of instruments across all genres of music from professional musicians. [read more]
Publishing books that make a difference--> www. twocanoespress. com. [read more]
The Spring Hill Historic District of Sandwich, Massachusetts, is a rural and residential historic district reflecting the area's long history. The district includes the Wing Fort House, one of.. [read more]
Inglewood Development is a real estate agency, located at 123 Dwight Rd, Massachusetts/Longmeadow 01106. They can be contacted via phone at (413) 567-0069 for more detailed information. [read more]
Unleash your inner artist a B DOWN to PAINT art party. . [read more]
Plumbing and Heating service. *Law Enforcement & Military Discounts. Let us help you plan your next project. No job too small!!! Established in 1992. [read more]
A local licensed electrical specializing in residential and commercial electrical repairs and services! Lic # 7318. [read more]