Malena lives in beautiful Bozeman with her husband Tanner and her beloved German Shepherd Kahn. She had the privilege of meeting renowned Astrologer and Clinical Psychologist Debra Silverman 7 years ago and studying with her before she was incredibly well known. By working with her on an intimate level, it allowed Malena to truly soak up all that she had to teach. Through self work, discovery and the love of Debra's practice, Malena grew to be an avid astrologer. She worked for her as a Scheduling Coordinator for 2 years and was lucky enough to be one of the first students to go through the Applied Astrology program. As a mentor and teacher Malena has been frequently referred to as Debra's "mini me." She has a way of bringing compassion, and wisdom to every reading. Whether you have one session or many, you are guaranteed to walk away with a clear knowledge of your purpose and direction in life.
My beautiful son was born and in celebration of his life and returning back to work I am offering a special!
** Schedule a session by the middle of September to receive 1/2 off my regular rate! That's a 45-50 min reading for just $100! **
This offer applies for all clients. Whether you are brand new and never had a reading before, or you'd like a follow up session to dive deeper into your chart, take advantage of this limited offer!
Email me at to book your session now!
Oh yeah Mercury, well I laugh at your terrible technology skills!
The Sun is in Aries and the Moon is in Taurus. Woah nelly can you feel that shift?! Bye bye dreamy Pisces and hello energetic Aries. Also happy first day of Spring and Spring Equinox. Time to use the energy of Aries and the practicality of Taurus to do some spring cleaning!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Aries. There are 4 planets total in Aries right now so its time to get physical. Pisces needs to move their bodies in a very free flowing way and Aries needs to be doing. So get out, go for a bike ride, take a Zumba class and go baby go!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Pisces. When the sun and moon are in the same sign this means it's a new moon and a dark night. Time to quiet down, go introspective and call in your guides and angels. Dream with me said the doubles Pisces!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Aquarius. These two can feel a bit conflicting, a part of you wanting to move fast and then the other side wanting to stop and smell the flowers. The commonality between these two personalities is they both have incredibly unique and creative ideas. Use this time to drum up your dreams and ideas and talk about them!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Capricorn. This duo is very compatible and with the right focus you can manifest dreams into a reality. Start to think about what you want and Capricorn will come along and make it happen. Water and Earth for the win, time to plant those seeds and watch them grown!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Sagittarius. There is a total of 5 planets in fire in the heavens so you better get moving. Water and fire energy like this can feel tense, make you want to retreat of run away from it. No getting away from all the fire though, exercise, walk, sing have sex and move your body!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Scorpio. No need for words over the next few days as there are also 6 planets in water in the heavens right now. The beauty of the water elements is they communicate without words. In order to truly feel and communicate in that way you have to be silent. Listen and silent have the same letters, allows silence and see what you can truly hear.
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Libra. Take this weekend to dive into your creative side, dream a little and take it a bit slower. Poetry, writing, and sweet conversations are all the Libra and Pisces desire.
The Sun is in Pisces sitting right next to the planet Neptune and the Moon is full in Virgo. What a powerful combination. Neptune is naturally ruled by Pisces so someone born with Neptune on their Sun will be an intensely physic, intuitive and dreamy individual. When the moon is sitting in an Earth sign it allows you to manifest your dreams and concretize them into reality. What do you want to create in your life?
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Leo. When all Pisces wants to do is be a psychic sponge and stay out of the spotlight and all Leo wants to do is have fun and get attention, these two energies can feel conflicting. If you can find the combination and strength and use them together you can look in the mirror and instead of seeing your ego you can see your souls true form. Wouldn't that be amazing?!
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Cancer. Double water is so soft, internal and quiet. This is not the time to push yourself out of the house and force communication. Better stay home, cook, clean, dream and cuddle with your loved ones. This is such a gentle combo and so emotional. Make sure to go easy on yourself.
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Gemini. This combo can feel confusing as one part wants to talk and verbalize and the other part wants to stay non verbal. Find the balance between using your intuition and also vocalizing your needs. Easier said than done but balance is key.
The Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Taurus. What a comfortable and lovely combination. Earth and Water, soft and sweet, sensitive and dreamy. Take the time to treat yourself, indulge and slow down over the next two days.
The Sun has just entered Pisces and the Moon is in Aries. Water and Fire don't mix well. People with this combo feel the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. The middle ground to all this push pull energy is to find an exercise that is fluid in movement and allows the physical release of energy to take place!
The Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Pisces. Man did you feel that shift? From fast paced double air in the heavens to the moon in a water sign. Craving to be internal, maybe a little whiny and moody? Completely normal! Take the time to listen to yourself! Go inward if you want or use the magic of Pisces and manifest your dreams!
The Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Aquarius. Sshhh it's a new moon and a dark night. This combo is so open minded and so non traditional. Take the time over these next few days to ask yourself, "how can I be myself and what could I do to allow everyone to truly be their authentic selves?" Go ahead and be your unique self, cause everyone else is taken!
Applied Astrology is different! I do astrological sessions not astrology readings. It's just logic and clear direction through an astro lens.
Book a session today! Email: or call 406.539.4424