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Lowville Village Band is located at Parkway Drive, Lowville, New York 13367. Visit their website lowvillevillageband.doodlekit.com for more detailed information.

The Lowville Village Band started making music in 1826 and today, is the longest running community band! We have musicians ranging from ages 13-80+!

Tags : #CommunityOrganization, #PerformanceEventVenue, #Performance&EventVenue

Location :
Parkway Drive, Lowville, New York 13367
Added by Jopie, at 30 July 2019


The Lowville Village Band started making music in 1826 and today, is the longest running community band! We have members of all ages in our ensemble and we play a variety of music selections! We perform every Wednesday at the Veterans Memorial Park for FREE! Please bring a lawn chair or a blanket and enjoy some free music!

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12 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    11 November 2019

    We are in desperate need of musicians to join us for our annual Christmas Spectacular performance. If you or someone you know would like to join us, we would be delighted to have you! Our next rehearsal will be Sunday, November 17th from 1-3pm at Lowville Academy.

    Spread the word!

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  • Anynomous
    07 November 2019

    Our first rehearsal for our annual Christmas Spectacular concert will be this Sunday from 1-3pm at Lowville Academy! We are eagerly looking for musicians to join us, so spread the word! 💚🌲Our first rehearsal for our annual Christmas Spectacular concert will be this Sunday from 1-3pm at Lowville Academy! We are eagerly looking for musicians to join us, so spread the word! 💚🌲

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  • Anynomous
    03 September 2019

    "Whispers from the Heart" Hospice Memorial Concert 2019

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  • Anynomous
    28 August 2019

    The Lowville Village Band would like to send their condolences and prayers to the friend and family of John Burr. He has supported the band in numerous ways and we will certainly miss seeing him at next years Lewis County Fair.

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  • Anynomous
    27 August 2019

    We’re pleased to announce that the Lowville Village Band tied for first place at Copenhagen’s 150th Celebration parade! We had an incredible time participating in this historic event, and we can’t thank our drivers enough for decorating this beautiful wagon for us!

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  • Anynomous
    17 August 2019

    Who’s ready for another performance recording? Well you’re in luck! Enjoy our performance of Highlights from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!

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  • Anynomous
    13 August 2019

    Now that our summer season has officially come to a close, we would like to thank you all for another wonderful season! We greatly appreciate everyone that spend their nights listening to our rehearsals, concerts, and special events. We wouldn’t be here without your support, and the praise and support we receive is truly overwhelming! We look forward to seeing you again in December!

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  • Anynomous
    09 August 2019

    We’ve premiered many new pieces this year, but “Fate of the Gods” is one unique, fun, and exciting selection that we can’t get enough of. Please enjoy our performance under the direction of Kelly Furgison.

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  • Anynomous
    07 August 2019

    We’re grateful that we were able to once agin partner with Lewis County Hospice to present a night of music, remembrance, and togetherness. During our performance of “On Eagles Wings”, we invited our audience to light a candle in memory of their loved ones who are no longer with us. We love that so many of you took advantage of this beautiful gesture!

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  • Anynomous
    07 August 2019

    It turned out to be a beautiful night!

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  • Anynomous
    07 August 2019

    Our concert for tonight is still on! The rain should stop in time for you to enjoy the car show and listen to our jam packed performance! Don’t forget your chairs because the park will be too wet for blankets! We can’t wait to share our last concert of the 2019 summer concert series with you all!

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  • Anynomous
    06 August 2019

    Here’s our program lineup for tonight’s joint concert with Lewis County Hospice!

    Star Spangled Banner Balladair Whispers From the Heart A Song of Hope On Eagles Wings Wizard of Oz Gershwin Classics Joseph and Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat Sweet Caroline Fate of the Gods Queen God Bless America Stars and Stripes Forever

    Don’t forget your frisbees, blankets, lawn chairs, and money to buy some delicious food!

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