We are a mother + daughter partnership who understands how loving parents can be driven crazy by their child’s behavior.
Whether you have a toddler or a teen, we will help you transform defiance into cooperation.
PRIVATE & GROUP COACHING :: Get the answers to your biggest challenges. Our exclusive coaching lovingly holds you accountable while meeting your unique goals of positive change. You can raise well behaved, emotionally healthy successful children!
BECOME AN AUTHENTICALLY POWERFUL PARENT :: "Authentic Parenting Power" demystifies your child’s behavior and shows you how to be the parent you so want to be. Learn how to transform your relationship with your children and turn frustration into delightful success.
JOIN OUR MP3 PROGRAM :: Each week you’ll receive a new recording with topics addressing common parenting challenges. Listeners are encouraged to submit questions to direct upcoming recordings.
PARENT CLEANSE :: You are inundated with toxic messages and limiting beliefs. This 21 day eCourse flushes out the crappy beliefs you’re holding about yourself and your children. Learn new ways of thinking about and responding to your children’s behavior. Restore your sanity!
TALKS AND KEYNOTES :: Our workshops challenge the status quo. We are shifting the conversation around behavior, academic success, bullying, substance abuse, and self-expression in a radically changing world.
If you’re a parent who is ready to turn parenting stress into productive and calming energy that keeps you connected and empowers you to raise happy, thriving children, then we have a special invitation for you!
Join us for The Confident Parent: Empower Your Kids to Thrive and Create a Magical Future, a no-cost online interview series hosted by our friend and colleague, Keelin Siobhan.
We are two of the experts that are coming together to share our best advice on how to tap into your confidence, live as a happier parent, and empower your kids to thrive.
You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of what truly makes a happy family and how to create it in your home.
The series begins April 15, and you can attend at no cost by reserving your spot using the link below 💝
💜 Have you wondered why life feels so overwhelming for you?
💜 Do you wish you understood why your emotions are so intense?
💜 Are you ready to unwrap the gifts of your sensitivity?
🦋 EMPOWERED SENSITIVITY is a four week program for Highly Sensitive People …and for those who are trying to understand them.
We filmed this video 7 years ago and it's still one of the most popular resources we've created. We continue to get emails from parents who say it was a 'light bulb' moment in understanding their Highly Sensitive Children.
We hope you get some new insights and nuggets of wisdom from it 💝
If you have thoughts or follow up questions please leave them below!
If you live in San Diego please join us at this event!
Our dear friends and colleagues at Club Xcite - Innovative Tutoring, Coaching & Enrichment Solutions and Mindfulness 4 Youth are bringing together local community resources to empower children with mindful skills.
Register for FREE using the discount code "mindfulkids"
Thanks to those of you who joined the live session today in our Group Coaching for Families with Highly Sensitive Children!
We started laying the foundation for understanding what drives children’s behavior by looking at temperament, high sensitivity and sensory processing disorder.
Discovering where you are powerless also highlights where you have AUTHENTIC POWER 💗
It's not too late to join us!!!
Sign up for the coaching program using the link below and get access to video and audio recordings of each session 👇
I know this may be hard to believe but children do not wake up in the morning and make a conscious decision to embarrass you with a tantrum that tests your limits.
Tantrums are usually a response to learned behavior or a result of built up stress.
Continue reading 👇
Every time a child (or adult) misbehaves it is because something going on inside that person is not working.
The younger a child is, the more directly behavior is fueled by temperament.
As a child gets older, and eventually becomes an adult, behavior may be fueled by subtle messages and personal beliefs.
Instead of reacting to a behavior, stop yourself and wonder— what is driving this?
What is going on beneath the surface?
How can I respond with love?
#leadingedgeparenting #highsensitivity #emotionallyhealthydiscipine #authenticparentingpower
⭐️TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SAVE 50% on THE TRANSFORMATION :: Our Group Coaching for Families with Highly Sensitive Children✨
Do you want to feel more confident in the way you handle your parenting challenges?
Do you wish you understood what makes your child tick?
Over the next 6 months you can transform from stressed out to confident once you learn solution oriented tools that enable your Highly Sensitive Children to thrive in the world 💗
In this course I'll cover everything from:
☑️ Helping your child manage emotions ☑️ Reducing tantrums and breakdowns ☑️ Developing resilience ☑️ Social/friendship challenges ☑️ Mastering being an empath ☑️ The difference between high sensitivity and sensory processing disorder ☑️ and more!
There are specific tools I'll teach that I give my private coaching clients but each session will be guided by participants questions and specific concerns.
If you've been wanting to work with me but hesitating because of cost THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY 💥
We get started in ONE WEEK!
I can't wait!!!!
Shared with love, Melissa Schwartz XO
Highly Sensitive Children often pick up on 'energy' that is indiscernible to others, just as dogs hear a whistle that is imperceivable by humans.
When we tell sensitive children that they are "over-reacting" we invalidate their experience AND diminish their self-esteem.
Instead of "Why are you making such a big deal about going to Sarah's house, you like playing with her at school" try, "Something about being at Sarah's house feels off to you, we don't have to go there if it feels uncomfortable."
Perhaps something in that house smells yucky or the TV is always on and puts her into sensory overload. Often Highly Sensitive Children cannot 'explain' what they pick up on, they just know when something 'doesn't feel good.'
#leadingedgeparenting #highlysensitive #highlysensitivechildren
As a coach for parents of Highly Sensitive Children I frequently hear moms and dads worry the world will “not change to fit their child.”
I love to remind them that while they are correct, their children did not come forth to conform to this world.
Sensitives are change makers and creators.
They aren’t concerned about fitting in with the status quo; they move to the beat of their own drum and in their unique process they teach the world to play a new rhythm.
Written with love, Melissa Schwartz
For loving support to parent your sensitive child visit >>> www.sensitiveparenting.com
#leadingedgeparenting #highlysensitive #highlysensitivechildren #melissaschwartz
THE TRANSFORMATION is a group coaching program for families with Highly Sensitive Children.
Do you want to feel more confident in the way you handle your parenting challenges?
Do you wish you understood what makes your child tick?
Continue Reading