Lauren AgriSystems Ltd. is a company, located at 143 Garland Dr. SW, New Philadelphia, OH, 44663. They can be contacted via phone at 330-708-5799 or email at, visit their website or Facebook profile for more detailed information.
Enhance your dairy parlor operations with Lauren AgriSystems. Upgrade your parlor with Lauren's silicone milking liners, premium milk hose, flexible tubing, and milking accessories. Embodying our commitment to quality and design, our products deliver trusted, proven performance founded on years of research and testing. With Lauren AgriSystem's patented Tri-Circle® barrel and proprietary DairyGrade® silicone milking inflations, expect fast milking, fewer squawks, and greater cow comfort. Our design and material that make Lauren AgriSystems' original milking liners a preferred choice for dairy parlors also makes them an optimum solution for those with robotic machines. LaurenAg's robotic ready milking liners offer the same Tri-Circle barrel and DairyGrade silicone as our Lauren Original Liners offering the same great benefits. Upgrade your parlor today with Lauren AgriSystems' parlor solutions.
Tags : #Dairy, #DairyFarming, #DairyParlor, #Agricultural, #Milking
Location :
143 Garland Dr. SW, New Philadelphia, OH, 44663
Added by
Jopie, at 01 January 2020