
Welcome to the official Lane Community College Facebook page. Let us know how you are achieving your dreams at Lane! www.lanecc.edu

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4000 East 30th Ave, Eugene, Oregon 97405


Lane Community College ("Lane") encourages Facebook users to interact with each other in a respectful and considerate manner on the Lane wall. We reserve the right to remove any posting or other material that we find off-topic, inappropriate or objectionable. Objectionable content includes commercial solicitation whose primary purpose is to sell a product, a service or other such practices via the Lane page. Objectionable content includes that which harasses, abuses, threatens, or in any other way violates the rights of others. We reserve the right to block users and to remove posts.

This page is a place for our Fans but we do adhere to the Terms of Service standards administered by Facebook. Facebook encourages all users to utilize the "Report" links when they find abusive content.

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