Obedience and Water Dog training on a beautiful 58 acre farm. We have open pastures for long land marks and abundant water in 6 acre pond.
It has been a while since I last posted any pics of our dogs in training! So I apologize to past clients, but here are some pics from this current class! Cooper, Leti, Jack, Duke, Diesel, Teal and Bear are doing great respectfully for each ones progress!
I love it when my customers send in pics of their dogs doing what they were trained to do!! Deuce and Tripp were awesome in training and I know they are going to enjoy many more seasons together!!
Great to see our customers come and spend time with their pets while they are here with me in training! It is so important for the dogs to know they are remembered and loved!
The cycle of life and death is imminent, but never easy! This is Diamond, the matriarch of Kompanion Kennels! Over the last 12 years she has had 6 litters of puppies, many of which some of you still have! She gave us so many laughs and undeniable love! She has tracked deer, fetched doves and has taught many a water shy pup that the water is ok!! We are going to miss her as yesterday she passed away due to renal failure! She was the daughter of Bonz, who preceded her in death 3 years ago! What she started at Kompanion Kennels is still going strong today and will continue to do so in the years to come!
Been a while since I last posted so here are a few pics of the dogs in different levels of their training! I so appreciate all of the owners who allow me the privilege of training their Kompanions!
I know it has been a while, but o really tried last week and my phone was full! So here we are with a few up to date pics from training today!
It has been a while since I posted pictures from a training session! Here are a few pics from this morning! Everyone is doing great!
Ok every body here are some pics from today's training sessions! So proud of each of our dogs, they are doing so good! Congrats to each of our owners, your pups are progressing nicely! Dallas is first, then Timber is just starting and at the end of the leash, but then sits nice! Lady is on extended sit and obeys the here command! Max is on place and obeys here as does his brother Remington! Teal is learning retrieving and to hold and deliver to hand, Drake is on the force fetch table along with Stella learning the hold command! Finally, ol Trooper is not real sure about his first water retrieve! He is learning to put it all together!! Thanks again to the owners for trusting me with your Kompanion!
Here is a training pic of Brittany just before her graduation last week!! She was an awesome student and is going to be a great hunting dog!! Thanks to the Givens family for allowing me to train her!! Deborah Givens, Tyler and Ralph!
We received a few bragging pictures of a couple of our latest customers!! It is so great to see Browning and Charlie coming into their own!! Each in their first season will only get better and better!!
Merry Christmas from all of us at Kompanions Kennels!! To all of our customers, we say thanks and pray y'all have a great holiday season!!
Here is Trooper starting his retriever training with a little excited fun bumper!! He is going to be a good dog!!
Been a while since our last post so here a few pics of a few of newest pups!! Stella is learning the place command, Copper is practicing sir, Shadow is in the down position and Chloe is also learning sit means sit!! Teal is starting her E collar conditioning! Stay tuned for a quick video of a little puppy retrieving with Trooper!!
Puppy love taking place at Kompanion Kennels this morning! As always, the girl (Chloe) is playing hard to get at first! But then with much persistence The boy (Trooper) finally catches her!!
Here are a few pics from our hunt test weekend. Roux wins one more ribbon on his HRCH quest! Stella, 2nd youngest of her flight did well, but the finished test proved a little much! Her energy and desire cost her today, but she loved every minute of the test! She will get there one day soon!!
I just saw a video of one of the pups from Bella and Rouxretrieving at 7 weeks old!! These pups are going to be awesome!! Only 4 males left so if anyone is looking for an excellent black lab pup with awesome bloodlines, let me know!! Sire is HR titled dog with good hips, grandad was an Irish Field Champion! Super athletic dam who is capable of earning titles just hasn't yet, but both parents are excellent hunters!
I know I've already told you but you did an awesome job man !! Only his second hunt and he is doing so well !! Wish you could have been there to see him work !! This is a quote and pic from Dakota Jones about his recent Kompanion "Odelle!!"