My passion for animals, preeminently dogs, has been with me since childhood. When I was 4 years old my attempt to pick up a stray dog while it was sleeping, resulted in an ambulance ride to the hospital and 8 stitches. Still to this day, 28 years later and only in certain light, you can see 2 small scars that at one point, were much larger bite marks on the right side of my face.
Contrary to popular belief, this traumatic experience only heightened my curiosity for this particular species and as soon as I turned 15, much to my mothers discretion and paralyzing fear, I began volunteering for different animal shelters.
Although there are many different methods used in training animals, I feel the approach and techniques that were instilled upon me through years of experience, education, compassion, and amazing mentors, are not only the most humanitarian, but the most effective.
My beliefs are simple. Although dog training was designed by man, the psychology of a dog was designed by mother nature. My goal with every single dog I encounter is to find or create a balance between both. I strive in doing this by attempting to educate the owner on how they can achieve that perfect harmony and do so without taking away the instinctual needs of their dog.
Throughout my life, my love and curiosity for mans best friend eventually developed into a career which I am extremely grateful for each and everyday. The devotion I have for animals is endless and portrayed through my performance.
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